Kids Craft - Thankful Gratitude Turkey Bucket
Looking for a simple Thanksgiving craft for kids? These Thanksgiving Turkey Buck....
Sea Glass Pendant And Earrings
Some people may consider sea glass to be nothing more than trash, pretty trash, ....
Summer Kids Craft: American Flag
Fun and simple American flag craft to keep your kids entertained on a summer day....
Tell The Time Learning Clock
Telling time has never been so much fun! This simple idea makes a handy take-alo....
Magnetic Counting Dominos
This tutorial shows you how to make Domino magnets to help kids learn how to cou....
Hand Held Music Maker
This hand-held music maker provides the perfect accompaniment to your family's C....
Classroom Activity Tree
This kids craft project is perfect for classrooms and home schooling activities....
Thanksgiving Craft: Indian Candy Corns
This Thanksgiving project shows you how to make a Indian Candy corn perfect for ....
Seashell And Moss Picture Frame
This picture frame is made using collected seashells from a day at the beach. Bu....
Hedgehog Art Work
This kids craft project shows you how to make an adorable hedgehog kids craft an....
Sushi Crochet Pattern
This free Crochet Amigurumi pattern shows you how to make pretend play sushi.....
Strawberry Crochet Pattern
This Amigurumi crochet pattern shows you how to make strawberries for pretend pl....
Pretend Play - Felt Salad
This kids craft project shows you how to make a felt salad for pretend play. Thi....
Cookie Counting Tin
This recycled kids craft project shows you how to make a cookie counting tin for....
Jellyfish Craft
This kids craft project is great for the classroom or lesson plan activities. Us....
Textured Sand Playdough
This kids craft playdough recipe shows you how to make a textured sand playdough....
Playdough - Non Cook
This kids craft playdough recipe shows you how to make a non-cooked playdough th....
Paint Sample Flash Cards
This project shows you how to make fun alphabetical flash cards for kids using r....
Bling Bling Calculator
This free kids craft projects shows you how to personalize a school calculator i....
Kids Activity Travel Tube
This free craft project shows you how to make an activity travel tube out of a f....
The Great Spaghetti Race Activity
The object of this activity is to see which group can make the longest connectin....
Around the World Activity
The objective of this kids activity is to educate group members on specific coun....
Sink or Float Water Play
Playing with water is one of the most absorbing activities. The possibilities fo....
Mirror Learning Activity
This activity teaches the child about reflections and how their body moves. It a....
Go Fish Learning Activity
This activity is an old time favorite and is a great activity for young and old.....
How To Make A Rain Stick
Rain sticks are one of the most unusual instruments I have seen and in this proj....
Space Cadet Dress Up
Having trouble deciding how to get the children dressed for a space themed birth....
Giant List Of Vintage Preschool Poems
These poems are from unknown authors and are displayed here without our knowledg....
Classroom Frogs Activity (With Poems)
This activity involves the telling of frog poems then the making of lily pads by....
Dinosaur Treasure Eggs
Hide these eggs around the yard and allow the children to discover them and open....
Crystallized Heart
This Valentine's day craft project shows you how to make a crystallized heart - ....
Make A Cardboard Tube Didgeridoo
Use cardboard tubes to recreate the Australian aboriginal Didgeridoo wind instru....