What you need
Moustache Rub-ons
Paper Striped Straws
Light Colored or Clear Overlays (I used Grandmas Wallpaper)
Glue Dots or other adhesive
Step 1: Cut your overlay into 6″ x 1.25″ strips. Also cut apart the mustaches you want to use.

Cut Overlay
Step 2: Rub mustaches on the right side of the overlay & cut loosely around the mustache shape.

Rub Overlay
Here’s what your mustache should look like. You want about a 2″ strip on the left side of the mustache to wrap around the straw. Make sure that strip is about .625″ tall so there is room for the staple.

Finished Mustache
Step 3: Place a glue dot on the straw (this way the mustache doesn’t slip down the straw) and wrap the overlay around the straw and staple. (A long stapler works best, not the small one I have in the photo).
That’s it! These are fun & easy to make. Perfect for your Holiday parties!!
-Allison This project was contributed by Allison from http://allisonkreft.typepad.com
Fantastic, good and interesting