What you need
Plastic Milk Carton
Staplee or hot glue
Shreded paper
This free Easter craft project shows you how to make a Easter basket out of a recycled milk carton.
For this project you will need an adult to cut down the milk carton.
This project can be made in two ways.
1: Cut the bottom off the milk carton and add the handle later by cutting a thin plastic length from the remainder of the bottle. The kids can then staple these on and then deocrate the basket.
2: Cut the handles into the base, by leaving a 1 inch thick band when you cut away your bottom. then it will only need to be stapled in one place. Again decorate with paints, ribbons, bows and fill with shredded paper.
A quick little basket great for east eggs hunts…
how much of bottom do you cut off
how big is this basket would it fit a card in it
i found this project really fun and cheap for my kids and they loved it and my itchilderen felt great and they also had a very great time with them i wondered if i could get some great ideas a nd if so where like i said and i loved this project for them
cheap project to do with your kids