Upcycled Hubcap

Upcycled Hubcap

Hubcaps are found everywhere, mostly on the side of the road. They can be road hazards and eyesores, so TheClunkerJunker.com has teamed up with CraftBits.com to bring you an up-cycled hubcap. Add this awesome decoration to your garage, bedroom, or man-cave tonight!

What you need

1 Hubcap (plastic is best)
Spray paint in colors of your choosing (we used red, black, and yellow)
Painters’ Tape
Embellishments like beads, rhinestones, etc.
Super glue
Time to let the paint dry


We see hubcaps laying on the side of the road quite often, and at TheClunkerJunker.com we see all sorts of junk parts. Instead of allowing these hubcaps to decay and eventually rot away, we decided to give them a makeover and a new home! With just a few materials, you can create a masterpiece for your garage, man-cave, or bedroom!

  1. Start with a Hubcap. The one we have is made for a Toyota, but when we’re done it will be one-of-a-kind.IMG_0119
  2. Going outdoors to paint is probably the best idea for ventilation an cleanliness purposes, but just be aware of the wind! You don’t want to get dots of paint everywhere! Fully cover the hubcap with one layer of paint and let it dry in the sun for about 20 minutes. IMG_0120
  3. After the first layer has dried, tape off areas you don’t want painted with your painters’ tape. Then spray away! Remove the tape when it’s dry. Don’t worry if your lines aren’t perfect: this is ART!IMG_0123IMG_0125
  4. Repeat with your third color. To get a “lightly misted” look, let the wind do the work for you and stand back about a foot or so. Allow to dry COMPLETELY. The drying process is the longest part of this project.IMG_0126
  5. Add some details by getting close to your hubcap. Don’t worry about perfection!IMG_0129
  6. At this point you can move inside and away from the heat. Make sure your paint has had plenty of time to dry. Add your embellishments with superglue (or get self-stick embellishments) and your project is complete! IMG_0142IMG_0149IMG_0146



  1. I just found a hubcap just like this one. Wan’t to decorate it. Now I know how. Whee!

What do you think of this project? Let us know!