Resin – Vellum Pendant

Resin – Vellum Pendant

This tutorial shows you how to embed vellum into resin

What you need

Casting Resin
Measuring Tools
Disposable Mixing bowl or cup
Disposable tools
Suitable mold
Cooking Spray
Items for Embedding

Printed Vellum Paper


This project shows you how to use printed vellum as an embedding material to create a beautiful pendant filled with depth.

Vellum is great for resin casting as its translucent finish carries through into your pieces giving the appearance of lot’s of depth.

You will need a printed vellum, the piece I have used was bought from a scrapbooking store, where printed vellum is sold in abundance choose a style or theme to suit your taste.

Pour a thin layer of resin into your pendant suitable mold and allow it to set for around 1hour before placing your vellum piece. Use a plastic knife or tweezers to push the vellum piece into the mold making sure you don’t push it to hard so it hits the bottom or creates bubbles. Smooth it out as much as possible to push out any trapped air or you will create an air bubble right on your image.
Once you have placed the image, pour more resin on top so it it completely covered.

Once set, sand the back of the casting with some fine sandpaper to make it smooth before attaching it to your altered art project, pendant or bracelet.

To create a pendant simply drill a small hole and connect a jump ring, ribbon or chain.

For complete instructions on casting with resin read these Basic resin casting techniques

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