What you need
Disposable Diapers
Kitchen ingredients
Blind folds
Take the diapers and fill each one with a mystery smelly goo.
You could use:
Peanut butter
Chocolate spread
Jam or Pickles
Pea Soup
Apply puree etc.
Have each player place the blind fold on and have a smell of the diaper to guess what it might be.
The person who guesses the most right wins.
we played a when u have to try to feed you partner baby food blindfolded and the have to try to guses what kind of baby food and also it hard to get it in the mouth blindfolded i got it ALL OVE MY CLOTHES!!!!!!! its really fun!
we did this at a baby sower and used different types of Candy bars.
The picture is just slightly gross lol, but the game sounds like lots of fun! =)