What you need
See Below
Purchase a small gift bag and fill with all or some of the items below along with a label explaining each token.
Toothpick – to help you “pick” out the good qualities in others and yourself
Crayon – to color you day bright and cheerful
Hugs and Kisses – for when you need a hug
Candle – when you’re up late grading papers
Eraser – to remind you everyone makes mistakes
Rubber-band – to remind you to be flexible
String – to tie things together when everything falls apart
Marbles – to replace the ones you’ve lost
Lifesavers candy – you are a lifesaver to many of your students
Paperclip – to hold it all together
Jewel – because you are as valuable as any precious stone
cant wait to make it. love the marbles one (my class is crazy)
This my last year of primary school and i can’t wait to give one to my teacher!
my son & i made 7 of these this last Christmas, one for each of his teachers. it was like a scavenger hunt for my son and i. we had a blast getting everything for these kits! deep down i thought each teacher was going to think ‘oh dear not another survival kit’ but i couldnt have been more wrong!!!
they hadnt ever seen one before! They adored them! we put the kits in Christmas tins. They were a HUGE hit!!
omigosh that is so cute!!!
Awesome! Im gonna give this to my teacher at the end of this year
love this
I love it!