What you need
Safety Pins (enough to fit around your wrist)
Beads ( as much as you want)
Super Glue
Elastic cord (.7 mm or above recommended)
1. Open one of the safety pins, and thread beads onto the open prong, leaving enough space to refasten the pin. Repeat the process until all of the safety pins have been beaded.
2. Glue the pin so that it wouldn’t open when you’re wearing it.
3. Next, cut two 12” pieces of elastic cord.
4. Thread one of the cords through the hole in the top of a safety pin, then through a spacer bead, and then through the hole in the bottom of another safety pin. Continue to thread in this manner until your bracelet is long enough to go around your wrist.
5. Then, take the second cord and thread it through the bottom of the bracelet, adding a spacer bead between each safety pin.
6. Finally, tie the ends of the bracelet together, and it’s ready to wear!
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I’m not understanding how the cord works to string this together. The first cord goes through the top of the safety pin, add a spacer, and continue until the tops are done and repeat with the second cord on the bottom of the safety pins?
You place the cord into the top hole of the safety pin that forms once you have closed the safety pin. place a spacer bead. Then you take your next safety pin and thread the cord through the opposite end (the hole on the other end of your safery pin, NOT the top hole that forms once you close it.) Continue to thread your bracelet the same way, making sure to alternate between “top hole that forms when you close safety pin” and “bottom hole of safety pin”. i hope that cleared up your confusion, good luck!
This is such a great idea! I am so excited to try this!!! Thank you!
Amazing and unique! I am so excited to make this for many people!
I made these in the 80 In order for them not to rust, put transparent nail polish in the back
Made 2 of these…iI made one with gold saftey pins, an ine useing silver saftey pins….everybody loved them, wanted to know how to make them….super fun…. I LOVE THEM! Thnks for the idea!!!!!
simply awesome!!!
THIS IS SO COOL!!!! i can noT wait to try it! thanks soooooo much!!!!
I have a watch that is made like this – and I love it… at least until the inside of the bracelet started rusting. I was careful to take it off when working around water, but with the hot, humid weather we had… I think that was enough dampness to cause the problem. Now I need to figure out if there is a way I can fix this without restringing all the beads. hmmm…
This idea has been around since the 1970’s punk jewelry and still going strong. I made one for myself, everytime I wear mine, I end up making more and more. everyone want’s one or two. It is a show stopper.
i made one of these when i was younger and it had charms, bells, large beads, small beads, it was pretty outrages, sadly i lost it.
That’s amazing! xD <3
Hi, I used to sell these at high end boutiques. But I used larger silver ball spacer beads and high end crystal and other unusual beads. Love the colorful vibe of this bracelet!
they didn’t mention the spacers in the materials list
That’s so cute! But I don’t have enough safety pins.
Nothing a little shopping can’t fix! :p 
That looks funky… wow i so what to do that and do it A.S.A.P!!!!!!
My aunt LOVES it! Thanks!
Awsome! Nice idea! Its my aunt’s birthday soon and I’m making one for her, but I wonder if I can skip the spacer bead part…
I love it! Where on EARTH did you get that idea?! So COOL! Yeah, well, you know, do I have to use the spacer beads? Is it OK without that?
My little sister is doing this at her school as an after school activity, and she loves it, so thank you, I love seeing my sister smile!
Thanks so much! I’m IN LOVE with this! Now I need to find all my safety pins
I’ve done this before! makes a great bracelet!!
I freaking love this!!! But it takes a lot of safety pins, any suggestions on what to do about that?
Wow AMAZING! I was thinking about making these and selling them to the kids I go to school with. They just LOVE bracelets TRUST ME.
love it!!!!
ima make one for my bff
will enjoy making for all of my granddaughters.
This is such a cool project. Cute for all those little aspiring fashionistas like myself
This is a fantastic project..So easy to make..Thankyou..
cool idea! ihad a million of these sitting around and this put them to good use<3
This is so cool
This is so cool
i soooo will do this for my girl scouts 2 give on sunday! thxs:)
i love it but i coudent find eny beads so i just used buttons its awsome
i love it
love it
friends will love it!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so amazing! Gonna make some for my bffs! (and for myself)
This is an amazing idea. It is so creative. I love it.
Really cool idea, gonna try this for Christmas presents for teenage grandkids.
This is so cool and easy to make! I have never seen anyhting like it. I can finaly have something to do with all the safty pins that are just laying around the house, and get ready of so exta beads too.
This is amazing! You should also try safety pin earrings I just put them in my ear. Anyways , 5 STARS!
Awwwe!! this bracelet is sooo cute! Im giving 1 to my bff for her birthday
way cool
Cool , but I dont get how to thread it so i did it a different way….i wish there were pics to show how
Omg i just made the bracelet and it looks amazing!!! Thank you sooo much for thinging of this bracelet!
this is such a cool idea!!! so unique!
love, Jess<3
really awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (kinda frustrating too!)
I have made many of these and they are amazing
This idea is so cool. Ireally like it. So that is why i am going to make this
This is a really neat item. When I ever get the time, I’ll try it.
Linda B.
Lovvee thiiissss, amazing & unique(L)
very cool
nice! i will try this one day when i find alot of safety pins
cuti patooti