What you need
30 cm x 60 cm piece of black Polar fleece
30 cm x 16 cm piece of white Polar fleece
Small amount of tan (for the feet and beak)
Small amounts of felt for the eyes.
250g of toy fill
Step 1: Start by downloading the Penguin Pattern.
Step 2: Sew the white front body piece on to one piece of the black body piece. Use your picture for direction.
Step 3: Sew your feet pieces together. Make sure to stitch on the outside.
Step 4: With the white section facing inwards sew the two black body pieces together. Sew the feet in place as you go (make sure the feet are facing inwards). Leave a gap down one side for turning – approximately where the wing will fall.
Step 5: Fill the body with Toy Filling or Wadding and stitch up the gap.
Step 6: Stitch your wing pieces together but leave a gap for turning. Once turned – do not stuff.
Step 7: Stitch up the gap and stitch in place (the curved edge goes to the back).
Step 8: Stitch the wings to the Penguin’s body.
Step 9: Stitch the beak in the same way as the feet with the stitching on the outside.
Step 10: Stitch your face features on using the picture for direction.
And it’s finished!
what does “felt” mean? can i also take white and black polar fleece for that? or is that what you mean? sorry I’m from germany so maybe i just don’t get the words right