What you need
Polar fleece or other soft fabric
Toy Filling/Wadding
Embroidery thread
Ribbon or Dog Collar
Step 1: Start by printing off these pattern pages. The pages should be re-sized to fit flush on an A4 sized paper.
Step 2: Sew the ears and tail together and turn right side out.
Step 3: Now sew the two outer body pieces together as shown in the diagram. Beginning at the top neck section and ending just below the tail area. (Sew the tail in place as you go. Remember the tail should be facing inwards as you will turn it right side out later).
Step 4: Stitch the under bodies together leaving a gap for filling with Toy Filling or Wadding .
Step 5: Stitch your under body to the outer body as shown in the diagram. Head sew both head pieces together at the front only as shown in diagram 5.
Step 6: Stitch the head gusset to both sides of the head. Remembering to put your ears in place as you go (facing inwards) turn the head right side out.
Step 7: Keeping the head right side out, slip it inside the body pieces (which is still wrong side out) – see diagram 7.
Step 8: Stitch the head to the body and pull all the pieces through the gap in the under body.
Step 9: Fill with wadding, nice and firm and sew up the gap underneath.
Step 10: Make your eyes and nose by embroidering them onto the face this will make it safe for children.
Step 11: Place a ribbon around the neck to finish off.
where are the diagrams the pattern refers to showing how the head is sewn and attached?
Doesn’t look like a scottie but cute anyway!
I printed off the templates and there is a part listed as the ‘head gusset’? But there is no reference to such a thing anywhere? Help?
Regarding the “Nose” debate… The triangle is in fact part of the neck, and the head does not fit properly unless the triangle is added to the opening. Step “3” shows this clearly but is not outlined in the text portion. The last portion of the text states to “embroider your eyes and NOSE on to the face”. Hope that clears it up.
All I can say is WOW! What a fun project! The only thing is is that the instructions could be a little more detailed but thanks for putting it up! I have my own craft website and I was wondering if I could use it? Thanks!
Actualy the nose is the nose to however said it was the neck peice- you are wrong. The small triangle IS the nose. Thanks a lot! I had sooooo much fun while doing this and I cant wait to show all my friends! Oh and I love the whole website stile! (like the notebook) I am subscribed to your newsletter- It is great!!!
Love him/her can’t wait to make one to fill everyone’s stocking this year.
I tried this out and everthing worked good except mine didn’t look as good as the picture showed and I followed all the directions exactly. So I don’t know what the problem is I’ve made 4 now and still none of them look as good as the picture frotold it would.
This is actually so cute! I made it today and friends wanted some of their own
on the pattern piece that says nose, it is actually the neck piece. i am making my second dog and just worked it out. first one i made i had to modify the head to fit and couldn’t figure out how to attach the “nose” so i just embroidered one, this one will look so much better now i worked it out. thank-you for the easy pattern
My youngest daughter collects dogs, for glass to stuffed, anything and everything. I have been searching for a pattern such as this. I have just finished this little dog for her. He is made from a old tank-top that I have been holding onto for 10 years. The tank-top was hers when she first started walking. So again Thank You!. Not only for the pattern but also for the future memories she will have with this little guy.