Lavender Sleep Time Pillow Bags

Lavender Sleep Time Pillow Bags

A great gift idea - these lavender bags are so easy to make. Get the kids involved and you have a fun activity.

What you need

2 x pieces of cotton farbic 10 cm x 15 cm.
Edge lace,
Fabric flowers optional
dried lavender buds 


Stitch 2 pieces of fabric together leaving the top edge open.

Sew edge lace around top edge.

Decorate bag with optional lace and flowers.

Stitch a gathering stitch 4 cm from the top edge, fill and pull together tightly to close up.

Tie a bow around the gather and decorate with flowers.


  1. aneedleandthread says

    these would make good stock stuffers! and smellers 🙂

  2. just what I was looking for as going to dry all my lavender this year to make little gifts for the church christmas fete

  3. thx

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