What you need
2 cups of Soap flakes or grated soap
1 gallon (4 litres) of water
1/4 cup of glycerin
2 cups of Shampoo or dish washing detergent
Scented oils of your choice
Mix the soap flakes with the water.
Add 2 tbs of glycerin into a saucepan and place on a low heat.
Stir occasionally until the soap has dissolved.
In a large bowl, add about 2 cups of this mixture to the rest of the glycerin and shampoo.
Add a few drops of your scented oil.
Put it all into a nice storage container.
To use: Add 1/2 cup to your running bath water.
i think this idea is a great thing to do for my friend
nice idea but won’t the dishwashing detergent dry your skin?
you wear gloves while using dishwashing detergent to prevent it from drying out your skin..
Glycerin is very cheap and easy, ask your local chemist- they all stock it in some obscure corner. You do have to ask as it’s not normal in plain sight but in the darkest corner to preserve the contents but it’s there and doesn’t need a prescribtion.
nor does witchhazel which is great for oily skin, especially used in place of body spray in summer!
What is the substitute for glycerin? I do not have any on hand. Otherwise very good and fun.
that does sound pretty cool. i wonder what you could use as a replacement for the glycerin?
Neat!Were making Christmas presents today.We will try to get to this one.Im 9 and i love being crafty:D:D:D
cool!!!!!! i love it. its so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very beautiful and interesting web site!!!
Is it hard to fined the stuff??????????
that sounds really easy and quick
can fragrance oils be used?
TIP for dry skin: You can add 1/2 cup of almond oil or coconut oil as a moisturizer.
i like this web very much!
How can shampoo dry your skin out??
I think it sounds great. You can use liquid body soap in place of the shampoo or detergent, which would solve the drying problem. Great project as always!
hmm, this does not sound good for your skin, very drying
Sounds so easy