What you need
Favourite Soap Recipe
Brown Soap Dye
Cling Wrap
This project came about after I was cleaning up my soap making dishes and had some left over scraps. After great debate it was decided that I would go ahead and add this project to the website as everyone thought it was loads of fun.
You can use any basic soap making recipe for this project and add some brown color or green depending on what your dog has been eating. If it is not thick enough allow it to begin to set before working with it.
Whilst it is still pliable place it onto some cling wrap in a sausage shape. Then bend the ends of the sausage together to form the poop swirl.
Leave the cling wrap on until it sets a little harder and then simply unwrap it to allow it to dry as normal.
You can scent this with something poop smelling (No I don’t know what scent that would be) or something pretty like roses.
I actually put in a search, “how to make soap that looks like dog poop,” and voila! I have a friend who won’t eat my cooking because she claimed I wiped my dog’s bottom, didn’t wash my hands, and then cooked. What she failed to notice was that I was using antiseptic wipes and also cleaned my hands with them. So I have been telling people that I need to go wipe my hands with dog poop so I can cook. I was thinking that dog poop soap would be perfect. She actually cleans my house, so guess what’s going to be by the sink next week when she comes…
Thanks for sharing my childish sense of humor!
omg! this will be perfect to get back at my sister! i’ll just ‘accidently’ leave it on the floor. lol. great work
So gross and childish, yet amazing.
Will be making a few for sure and give them out to some friends.
Or just popping them around the house to freak somebody out….
Hehehe I can see myself using this dog poop soap in the shower….lol Mum would be horrified
can I use the food coloring?
can u just give me 1 example of your soap recipe?Because I don’t know which recipe that I should use!THX
now that would be a hoot for a baby shower gift with diapers…
LOL! Leave this on the floor until the ‘prankee’ comes home.
Love the idea! especially if your still potty training a puppy
Really funny and inventive.Also good way to use up those soap scraps.Maybe make this chocolate scent,then you wouldn’t mind rubbing it on your face! LOL
SOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!! if you dont like it or think its gross why bother commenting.. too funny for words, my kids would think this is hilarious!!
love the idea.
i don’t care what anyone else says, this is brilliant. nice work!
thats so gross!!! grow up you sicko!!
You people need to relize a good and funny idea when it comes along if you think it is gross keep it to yourselves. You couldn’t think of anything that is more funny than that. Grow up and act like adults.
Too Funny! I bought a soap like this for my Dad as a Christmas gag gift. It smelled like roses! Wish i had seen this site first! That thing cost me $9.
Why don’t you try making Chocolate shaped soap? You’re disgusting.
I love this idea! I was cracking up when I read it!
I love it, very creative!
Come on! That’s gross!!! Who want soap that’s sopposed to look like POOP but it looks like a FORTUNE COOKIE!
Hilarious! Love it!
People are such prudes. Get a sense of humor. This is hilarious.
creative, but, i think that if you made it into a typical poo shape, that would be cute… ^.^
This is just gross. I could only imagine what kind of bathroom this would be in. Just sick.
he he
this would funny to use as a stocking stuffer!
absolutely hilarious! i love it! : D
Hilarious….great gag gift and practical too…thanks.
I love this idea.
I think this would be a great hit with all kids and even adults, if they have a sense of humor would love these also.
That didn’t sound the best when I was scrolling through crafts-horrible-sorry!
this is pretty gross I thought, but it is pretty funny.:^)
GROSS! Why dont you try making other shapes.There’s alot of brown things.
HILARIOUS! If people don’t like it then that just means they are mindless and need to think outside the box. Grow up people they sell fake dog poop and vomit in Spencers!!!
you can also use this recipe for april fools day!!!!
well I don’t think I have ever seen somthing like this in my life this is the most hilarious thing I have EVER SEEN!!! Five ***** for making me almost fall out of my chair laughing
OMG, so funny! I should make some and trick my husband with it.
Too cute!
Cracked up laughing . I have 4 labs and 12 puppies . I can relate ,lol
Poop is funny! Wouldn’t it be cute wrapped up on a little plastic shovel?
That is hilarious. I want it. I know many friends who would have a laugh attack if they received it.