What you need
Wooden embroidery hoop
Felt in 3 colors (we used the following pastels: brown, pink and orange)
Multipurpose adhesive such as UHU
Step 1
Take a piece of paper (we used a sheet from a memo pad), fold it into half and draw a curve like the picture above. Cut the curve line, and when you unfold the paper you will have a leaf cutout. You can make the leave however big or small you like.
Step 2
Use the template to cut out the felt pieces.
Step 3
We’re going to create a 3D effect for each leaf.
Apply a small line of adhesive onto the bottom right of the leaf.
Fold the right side of the leaf to the center and hold it down with your finger for a bit. (Tip: You can use a clothes peg too)
When the adhesive dries, you’ll have slightly coiled leaf.
Step 4
Apply adhesive to the wooden embroidery hoop, and stick the leaves onto the hoop, overlapping each leaf with a new leaf as you go along.
Keep going and before you know it, you’ll be reaching the starting point!
Step 5
When you reach the starting point of the first leaf, fold the first leaf down and continue sticking leaves onto the embroidery hoop so that the wreath looks seamless.
Step 6
Thread a string through the top of the embroidery hoop and your handmade wreath is ready to be displayed!
What do you think of this project? Let us know!