What you need
Red velvet fabric
1 inch wide Black Ribbon
Gold Buckle
Pom poms
White faux fur
Cut your red fabric to the following measurements for a standard wine bottle.
For the main part: 11 inch (28cm) x 8 inch (20 cm) (this allows for a 1/4 inch (1 cm) hem).
For the base: Cut a circle 11 inch (28cm) round.
For the hat: 4 inch (11cm) triangle folded into a cone and glued or sewn.
White fur trim – 2.5 inch(6cm) x 11 inch (28cm).
Small amount of trim for the hat.
Take your main part piece and fold it into half and sew inside out to make a tube. Your sewing hem should be 1 cm wide.
Take the circle base and sew it into place.
Sew on the top trim and put the hat together.
Thread the buckle onto the ribbon and glue on your black ribbon belt around the main part.
All done!