What you need
Polymer Clay/Fimo
Cardboard roll
Clay tools
Rolling pin
Clay Varnish
You can use a empty toilet roll, foil wrap tube or small postal tube to create this napkin ring.
You need to cut the napkin ring to around 1 – 1 1/2 inch wide. You can paint it or cover it with Christmas wrap, felt or fabric.
Use the template below as patterns for your design. Roll each color of clay out to a flat piece big enough to cover the pattern piece you wish to make in that color.
Cut out each paper pattern piece and place it over your clay and using a blade or scissors cut out the shape.
Layer the clay pieces as shown in the picture.
To finish off the gingerbread man use thin rolls of white clay to add icing style detail. Use a skewer to create the face and the biscuit pricks over the arms and legs.
You can embellish with more details such as holly or buttons.
Bake the clay as per the instructions on your clay package.
Finish off with a coat of clay varnish.
Once dry attach the shape to the toilet paper roll to finish off your project!

Ginger Bread Man Ring In Use
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