What you need
Paper Plate
Cut a quarter away from the paper plates, as shown in the picture.
Overlap the two cut edges and staple. Add string to either side with staples to tie under the chin.
Let the children decorate the hats with cut outs from magazines, scraps of paper or just with paint.
interesting wonderful
Very Easy
It’s easy to make. Thanks a lot. All my students are love it.
It’s easy to make. Thanks a lot. All my students are love it.
Not ALL Chinese people wear this, only when farming rice fields.
i like it…. easy, fun and creative thanks!
i dont have to Make one
I think it was useful for school
I think it was useful for school
I love making these!
So much fun!
N xx
Good idea… paper plate…
I have a china day on my school and i needed to make a chinese hat.
Fabulous this helped me a lot!!!!!
good one!!!!!
came in very handy when i needed to make a hat a short notice, I will definateley be using this website again for any other bits and bobs I may have to/want to do!!!!
this will be a blue ribbon for me.
i think this hat is more vietnamese.
theme for my youth group is orential so this was PERFECT to get dressed up a bit! thank yoU!
i really like this craft it looks really cool!!
it worked really great
I love this activity for my project. I am doing to get a sweet grade for my class
Thanks! Our small third grade is “traveling” China tomorrow for lunch. We can make our Asian Farmers’ Hats from cardstock in the morning, decorate them, and wear them to lunch. Just the pattern I needed.
life saver
nice and easy for children to do. Thank you.
Thank you, just what I was looking for!
what size/thickness card did you use?
fun and easy to do!
Sweet im doing a project on china and this was perfect!
thank u just wat i needed because i’m doing a project on china
fun,easy and you don’t need a lot of materials.
wow this works great for my class project
Thanks, had no idea I wanted this until i saw it.
i needed to make a quick chnese hat for a play I’m in and this worked perfectly! Thank You!
Fine pattern for pre-schoolers, but these aren’t specifically “Chinese”. Farmers in Asia use these broad-rimmed hats to shield from the burning sun and rain when farming.