How to make a 3 cord bracelet

How to make a 3 cord bracelet

See how easy it is to make a 3 cord bracelet using yarn, shoelaces, hemp or twine!

What you need

36 inches of Cord (yarn, shoelaces, hemp, twine, or jute)
Pony beads


1.  Cut The Hemp cord into 3 lengths, 12 inches each.

2.   Tie them together in an overhand knot, approx. 5 inches from one end. See photo 1.

3.  Pass beads on all 3 cords.  Place a few more beads on the center cord than on the 2 sides cords.

4.  Tie an overhand knot on the other side of the beads, see photo 3.

5.  Tie a knot to close up the bracelet, making sure that it will pass over your hand.

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  1. What a simple but new design on a bead bracelet! The instructions are easy and clear. Absolutely love the pattern.

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