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To make this angel feather poem all you need to do is write out the poem and attach a feather. If you want to make a magnet, just glue on a flat backed magnet to the back of your card.
—- Angel Feather Craft Poem —-
This is an angel feather,
sent from God above,
to serve as a reminder,
of his gracious love.It’s from your guardian angel,
that God himself assigned to you,
And fell out in his struggles,
as he protected you.Each time you almost stumble,
Each time you nearly fall,
Remember to,
Thank God and his angels,
for answering your call.
This angel craft is a great Christmas stocking filler or make them up for fund raising events.
For a Christmas project you can place these feathers into a clear tree ball ornament.
this seems so graceful but i need somthing for my dad
What a wonderful idea. I was looking for a angel feather poem came across this site. and just loved the comments. I loved the one about the Christmas ornament. I am planning a special luncheon for a dear friend who lost her son to cancer 2 months ago. His birthday is approaching and planning this to celebrate her son on his birthday. I wanted An
ANGEL FEATHER poem to put at everyones table setting and when someone wrote in about the Christmas ornament idea.. Its perfect since a month later will be christmas.. Thank you!
I love this. It is so versatile you could use it for any occasion.
Thanks so much for sharing.
cute idea
This is simply adorable…….thank you for sharing it on here.
I really enjoy this poem. Please people when referring to Our Savior, please use the upper case G for God, also I notice people do not use the upper case B for Bible.
Who wrtoe this poem? Does anyone know???
I love this idea, I’d doing this for my mom who is battling cancer!
btw someone added another great idea (quote) “Here is another idea. I have purchased clear glass Christmas bulbs – puth the feather inside of the bulb and attached a copy of the poem to the bulb. (quote) thanks alot!!!!
Found this while searching for something for my Cub Scout den (2nd graders) to send in a Christmas package to some military guys in Afghanistan. This is PERFECT! I’m going to try laminating a feather with the poem so the soldiers can carry it as a card without worrying about damaging it.
have not done this craft yet– but it is lovely and very easy to do, I am sure.
wow!! awesome great love it teriffic amazing the best
What a lovely idea for a Christmas gifts for all the family, friends, neighbors and the people that I am thankful for each day in my life. I will also be making some for the ladies that were there to help my sis-in-law when my brother passed away this past July…was looking for something to say thank you to them. Thanks for the idea!
What a beautiful idea. I can see myself making and sending lots of these.
Thank you for this
I love the poem that goes with it!
Love it! We gave this to cancer survivors at our Relay for Life walk. Only difference… I used POST-IT photo paper so it can be attached (and removed)easily.
Great idea
love it
i made up a poem for my mom and i am giving it to her for easter. i am also including the feather. thanks so much for your idea!
Fist class, it can cover so many occasions ups and downs.
it`s cool
great christmas gifts for friends and family.
there should be more items like this
I also used this idea and put the feather inside a clear ornament and wrote the poem on a tag. Makes a nice gift
So simple, and I should imagine a great comfort, in a time in need. It`s not the price of the gift, it`s the gift that`s from the heart that`s a winner every time. I`m off to make some now, for my fav charities.
now I have some thing 2 give my family!!!!
I love this project it’s so sweet MY gadian angel is god he is perfect in every way and i love him more than anybody else
I love this project it’s so sweet
this is the best idea ever great for the ones you love
i think it is really nice. i might give it to my nan for christmas!:)
Beautiful sentiment and idea !!!
I liked the poem but i dont see it as a gift
This is good!
i love this poem and i love angels too so these will make get christmas gifts for friens and family and i have christmas class around me i my shop that my huband build me a few years back cause i was taking over the house so i find things like yard sales
We are looking for crafts to include in a package for hospice patients. This is a wonderful idea!! I teach 4 yr. old preschool. Thanks for the ideas.
this is a very cute box.
easy for even boy to make as end of year gift to their teacher.
Lovely & for me timely. My sisters & I lost our Mom Nov. 07-Christmas is hard still & including this in a card or gift might help. Thanks
I’m making one for my mother who loves angels.
It’s beautiful, thanks, my Mum will LOVE IT!
This makes a very personal gift to anyone you are close to.
i think this is so wonderful! and yet so simple to do
thank you so so much
this is an excellent idea and everyone loved it
too simple…i think
just thank -u
Brilliant Idea!!
this is such a lovely thought – my daughter gave me an angel pin and I carry it with me always
This is a really clever idea, it’s beautiful and will remind us all of God’s love.
oh,i loved it!!i feel like my angel isnearby!<3
it a great pres for grandparents
I think the angel feather poem is beautiful
god bless them for giving this to people with cancer.
Just love the fridge magnet. Need to source feathers now for the CHristmas Church fete!
love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think thats very smart!!
I love anything to do with angels so I think this is a great craft!
This really touched my heart. What a beautiful project! Thank you!
So touching… I just love this idea!
I really like this idea. I belong to a group that sends machine embroideried angels out to different folks each month and this would be a good idea for me as I also send a white feather with my angels.
I am activity director at a not for profit Adult Daycare for the Mentally and Physically challedged persons.
Constantly looking for simple crafts that they might be able to do, that is free. I have found 3-4 . Thank you
I am going to make these for my godchildren for Christmas.
I loved this idea I have alot of friends that are in a bible study that would love this. Thank you
Thats an awesome idea its cool sweet and about god…:)Way To GO…
I have a friend who just suffered from breast cancer and has just gotten over that and now she has heart problems. She is one of the people I can think of that least deserve that. She loved this card and it gave her hope.
OMG i need a lot of christmas presents for people cuz i don’t have lots of cash. this is sweet and cute
Thank you so much for this site I am a nanny to twin boys and we are always trying to find new crafts to do this site has been wonderfull. Have a great day.
Wonderful idea.
love this, very simple to do. and share with your loved ones.
Here is another idea. I have purchased clear glass Christmas bulbs – puth the feather inside of the bulb and attached a copy of the poem to the bulb.
Just love it
so so so cute!!!
I would like to purchase this craft piece – how do I go about it ?
I have just used this poem for a friend who today lost her baby girl eight days old.
Thankyou for making my difficult card, so much easier to make and send. Lynn
OMG i almost cried when i say this…i recived one from my friend for my birthday!!!
it was so nice for me to recive it and she really made an effort because she knows i’m regious and shes not so this is a really god effort…i love it and i melted!!!!!!
I really loved the idea and me and my friend used them as gift ideas! They’re so sweet!
wonderful idea,the kids will enjoy making it!
great for someone u love
I love this project. My friend cried tears of joy when I gave it to her.
my mom cried when i gave this to her
i gave one like this to my grandmother and she junt loved it. thanks for the idea.
put together very well!
As an avid collector of angels.I love this craft activity cannot wait to share it with the children at work..
Perfect for brightening up anyone’s day!
the poem is so sweet i can even give one to myself as a reminder, a loving present to parents, too!
Very Nice, I love it!!
i know my great aunt will adore it!! she loves thesesort of things!!
Great idea, love it.
Love this poem! What a great gift for Shut-Ins!
Debbie J
I love it,thank you.
This is an amazing and heartfelt craft idea. I think I will use it for friends and even my coworkers. Thank you.
This completes my odds and ends for Christmas. Thank you, for the added touch of love and encouragement to this special day!
How truly simple and beatiful. I’ll be using it for Christmas. Thankyou.
That’s cute, quick & easy!
something that comes from the heart and is very meaningful.Receiving it would melt your heart .
I really love that idea! It’s simple and very sweet!