What you need
Various Materials
A special card. Use a bought card blank with a heart cut out of the front or make one yourself. Use scraps of material and lace to make a small piece of crazy patchwork. Embellish and then mount on the card. By Sue Bone
Make a card with different colored squares torn from mulberry paper, cut rose petals into heart shapes and stick on the squares. By Keri Perwick
Get a large piece of white card fold in half. Take a piece of red card and cut out a heart and make sure there are small tabs on the sides. Glue the tabs to the card and it will pop open when the person opens it. By Ruth Miller
Show your loved one you care by making them a special card out of any scrap papers that you have at home. Decoupage the papers and use lots of colors to create picture effects. By Mandi
Add details to a cheap card by using puffy paint to add interest then just hold the hairdryer over the card to have something special. By Margaret Rowe
Do some simple bright red embroidered cross stitch on a white or cream background. Add Romeo’s name (lettering charts can be found in any cross stitch magazine or free from the library). It will certainly be remembered by the recipient – and you could end up darning his socks! By Frances Heaton
A large heart-shaped button sewn on to a piece of red card makes a great Valentines card. Alternatively a row of three smaller heart-shaped buttons looks equally good. .By Elizabeth Yule
A simple card to make is fold a rectangle of white card in half, kiss the front of the card with your best cherry red lipstick. Spray with a sealer and then write a message to your sweetie on the inside. By Beth
Cut full heart shape out of red card and then the same out of pink insert paper. Trim slightly smaller than the red card, stick inside on fold, Cut 2 smaller hearts, one red, one gold and glue to front of red card, gold one first and red overlapping on top. By Di Brown
I used a bright pink card stock and a velum that was a very pale pink with dark pink hearts (kind of faded). Tied with 1/8 inch white ribbon. By Deanna Anderson
Cut card stock paper in half and then fold the two halves (make 2 cards). Use a one inch heart punch for the front (center)and then use a piece of vellum behind the heart punch (inside – left hand side)for a frontal peek-a-boo effect. Use various heart stickers, metal embellishments, or heart punch sizes (use vellum and card stock scraps) to create a border around the inside/right hand side of the page. By Kirsten
I like to make paper hearts with a twist. I use decorative paper to cut out two hearts of exactly the same size. Then “sew” the two hearts together with a thin layer of batting in between. The hearts can then be decorated and used as a gift card or included in a larger gift .By connie
Make hand made valentine cards. Get the kids involved! Use scrapbooking supplies to make the cards then to embellish them with punch art or glitter and scissors to cut frilly edges. By using gel pens or your computer then you can personalize the text. By Karen Price
Trace child’s hand on pink or red card stock or construction paper. Cut out and adhere to paper doily. Adhere doily to large red or pink heart cut out of card stock or construction paper. By Gina Musser
Trace a hand design into your card stock. Next cut a heart to fit into that hand. Write a “love note” unto the heart. Finally, bend over the heart the ring and middle finger. This should sign, “I Love” you in sign language :). By Tami
Definitely would have to be handmade Valentines cards. You can make them with anything, crayons, markers, stamps, cut paper, just let your imagination run wild. Don’t forget to add an original poem made by you to your sweetie. It doesn’t even have to rhyme, they’ll love it anyway. By Shannon Arnold
For fancy valentines fast. Do a serendipity style heart. Take a sheet of card stock and randomly cover it with strips and scraps of red and white paper. Use some patterned paper as well. Randomly stamp some hearts on top. Don’t worry about how if it all looks “messy”. When you’ve covered the whole page, cut out hearts from it. The result will be intricate collage hearts that you can use “as is” for valentines or mount on a red card. By Julie K
Make heart out of card stock, and write a love note on it. Then, cut it like a puzzle, and give to your valentine to put it together and get the message. .By Trina
A few years ago, I made Valentines cards by taking a picture of my son holding a big heart I made that said “Happy Valentines Day”. I made copies of the picture and glued it to a big red construction paper heart. It was so cute! By Holly Cotton
I use a valentines heart rubber stamp to stamp an image on a piece of cardstock. I then color it in and then I cut a heart shaped piece of see through vellum and place it over top of the stamped image. I keep the two images together with mini brads and use the finished product for a journaling shape for my scrapbook page. By Deb
cute i really love it
hmm, cool, but pictures are better.
we like color!!!!!
kiss n hrt of rose petals , the two best ideas i ever got……………..thaxs
im a child and it looks kinda plain.
cool stuff. i ♥ valentines day and valentines (as in date)
Omggg, cool chiz
great tips
Pictures would be helpfull for us who aree just starting out! (: thanks
i prefer instruction with picture. some of us are not creative enough.
They are the best so far all of them rock.
Awsome i tried each1 each year
very good
think i might try the serendipity one-looks cool.
thanks for the many different valentine card designs…sooo many to choose from. i think i will be rather busy making them for my friends to give away to their loved ones….keep up the good work….
Well done teachings hey!!
great ideas I agree pictures would be a great help. thank you
Very good, but pictures would really help
that card is really cute but i don’t think it uses much scrapbooking technics your card really isn’t really what i was looking for.
I wish there were pictures of the cards. I always get so much more out of a quick picture than a paragraph description. Thanks!
I really like some of these ideas, some not so much, but I appreciate the thought. If you don’t like this site, try another!! I’ll embellish the ideas I like and pass on the others. We shouldn’t put down someones ideas just because they aren’t to our taste. I’m sure all of my projects wouldn’t pass every ones test but they work for me. It’s all about personal expression. Keep the ideas coming. Thanks!!
its really nice and easy to make
So great! These are amazing tips and ideas. Thank you so much!!!!
Once, I wrote the lyrics of a love song to my crush. We don’t see each other often but the next time I did I sang the song, looking directly at him. He smiled and asked me out and we’ve been dating for two years!
very creative and awsome
Ok Pretty easy! Cool craft though!
needs pictures of cards completed
I think it needs to be more creative….
Great variety, but I agree with one of the guests. Pictures would really help.
great ideas they are so cool
It really needs pictures or illustrations
very nice
I enjoyed reading over these different styles of card crafts. I’m even going to try a few on my relatives this year, Thanks.
Rockin awesome. One of the best I’v ever seen. And I’v seen a lot.
i wish that you could see the finishing results on most of these crafts, i think that it would make them more interesting. Im sure anyone could do these common crafts, but its all about being uniqu make the craft in your image.
Some original ideas here. Ineeded some new ones.Thank you for the effort, and good job.
cute, inexpensive, simple yet artsy ideas!! Thank you for posting these!!
good idea
I work with many young children. Most of these ideas were easily done by the 5-10 age group. They were great ideas for me to dress up.
I like how they give you many ideas to work with and not just a cookie cutter example. Who knows, while working with one or several of these ideas you may find a new idea of your own.
Come on people! The reason that they don’t give a lot of details is ’cause they want you to use your imagination! That’s what art is all about!
To a person u like, a ‘heart’ means everythig
I liked the idea of kissing the front of the card
cool but its sorta boring too many matching colors!!!!
It was excellent
there were okay but some were kind of confusing and a little to easy.
I love the simplicity of these projects. Less is better.
take red and white paper to make strips on the in and out side of the card.use heart buttons on the front and some alond the side in the inside. in the inside put a pic. of you two then put three little buttons under. put a quote on the other side. Anna<3
a few visuals would have been nice.
I like plain, simple and old fashioned looking. Liked them all. Perhaps one day I will send you some ideas. Thanks for this site. LLMcD
i think the ideas here are pretty darn good.
Good ideas! Love ’em! You can get great creativity from it!
Come on people you can add to this project if you think its to plain
or ugly.i like it because i can add to it to make it speical!!!
i have to admit with the other people it is simple and we can use some stuff which is attractive and catchy.
this is an easy and fun way 2 make a valentine card
its ok
it’s plain and simple.. not too much work either
i dont like it because i dont its ugly
i didnt feel like reading the whole thing and wish there was a picture
Great Inspiration Thanks
I really don’t think it needs pictures its an Idea article ..use your imagination people..
Lots of ideas to build on.
it was okay but nothing too special, good for a last minute kinda thing
I think there should be pictures, because I didnt follow them, and i want to see how it comes out
good for kids nice busy work
Bit plain and childlike
too plain, simple and old-fashioned looking for my taste.
I am a bit more creative than that, I have to admit!