What you need
1 Ring w/loops
Headpins – we used 16
Assorted beads – you can use any beads, but nothing says glitz like Austrian Crystals!
Step 1 -Place a bead or two on each of the headpins.
Step 2 – Make a loop directly over the bead.
Step 3 – Gently open the loop to the side, slip into the loop on the ring and close loop.
Step 4 -Repeat until all loops are full. We put 2 beads per ring loop. For bigger beads you may want to use just one.
This project was contributed by Beadstudio.com Visit their website for beading supplies, projects, classes and articles
wow THIS IS wow
i try to make it… it became so nice and made me stand out
every1 who saw it just loved it
made me shine
I so love this. Simple steps and very straight forward. I’ll check my favorite shop CrystalsRus if they have this ring with loop and can’t wait to try it this weekend with my lovely neices. Two thumbs up for this:)
this is really cool im so doing this
next time i go shopin i go get the stuff a riot (craft store) it looks so cute im gonna make one for my mums b day
This looks great. I’m going to do this because it looks easy to do and it looks pretty too.
This looks good. I like it. I think that this is what i will try.
this is simply exquisite
omg it was soo fun
this is really cool but where do u find the ring with loops??
thank you
this looks great and verry unike
instructions along with pictures. Clear and precise. Nice
This looks like it would be a great project for a beginner beader to make…
Super cute thanx
Ive made this ring in different colours its fab and all my friends want one.
My mom really loved it and she wore it every day
it look so cool
Easy Project and endless ideas
I Love it!
where do you get ring with loops?Can You make one?
this is so cute u cant wait to make one!!
I’ve never heard of Hobby Lobby. Are there any other places you could get one of those rings with loops?
i really luv it
thank you this made it simple to read and do
you can get the loop ring at hobby lobby if you live near one
Love it but where do you the ring with loops from?
cooooool duuuude awwwwesome
that is SOOOOO cute, i really look forward to making it =]
OMG its soo cute
I have gold rings like that and was trying to figure out how I was going to design them, now you have helped me along. Not copying exact but with my own design.
as a GUEST said you can order these rings w/loops online @ CRYSTALFLAIR>COM of thats not the adress GOOGLE IT. i only use headpins as it would make it look neater.
great idea but could you use just normal memory wire or thin jewlry wire instead of headpins????
thanks for sharing
These are so cute! …except i cant find the ring part for the project anywhere… i tried craft stores.. but their nowhere to be found!
there is an aussie site called crystal flair who sells these rings… i think this is really cool and i have seen ppl selling these for $20! just using plastic beads
Again, I discover a craft where you just buy something and decorate it. And you should seriously use shorter head pins!! What a waste!
i havent tried it yet but it looks cute!
this is one of the best ring crafts I’ve seen! thanks for sharing this.
it’s pretty yet so simple….I love it!
OMG!! this ring is totally awesome! i’ve made a bracelet like this before…. now i have a ring to go with it!!!
so simple yet great bur where do you get a ring with the loops ive never seen 1 in my life!!!!!!!!
Where do you get the blank rings?…
Awesome!!! So Pretty and simple to make.
this is perfect for my cousin!!!!!!!
bling bling
I dont know where to find a ring with loops though.
It’s headpins, not hair pins, because that would be weird. Head pins are used in jewelry making commonly. This is a wonderful and cute idea.
where do you get rings with loops on them?
this is a very cool craft, people ask me when i where that ring, are those diamonds?
That is wonderful, and it looks so easy..can’t wait to try it now!
neat idea!
Love it!!
niiice !
super cute, would be good 4 like a prom or sumthin like that…..lol i love it!!love josie
the coolest an eseest ring ive ever seen!!!
excellent, my ring came out beautiful. my friends all want one. thanxs