What you need
Coffee Filters (about 30 filters)
Colored Markers
Foam ring/Wreath base
For each flower take 3 coffee filters in your hand, fold in half, then in fourth, again in eighths.
Color the tip or half of all filters one color or several.
Dip slightly in water. The water will seep through the filter and create beautiful effects.
Lay out each filter till dry.
When dry, put the 3 filters again and punch a tiny hole on the middle of all 3 flowers. Push a q-tip through the hole, that will be the stem of the flower and the cotton part is the bud of the flower.
You can color the bud black if you choose.
Gather the bottom of each flower tightly near the q-tip and put tape around cupping the flower so that it will look like a flower.
Insert each flower in a Styrofoam wreath form. To make the q-tips easier to go into the Styrofoam wreath cut each q-tip at an angle 3/4 of each.
This project was submitted by Michelle Moons.
Love it Thank’s ,saved bunch filter’s ,..
Fun, Fun, fun, we used our coffee filters for making a wall banner for my daughter’s birthday oarty, we also lined our stairs with them and added balloons, really cute.