Turkey Poop

Turkey Poop

This turkey poop is a great gag thanksgiving craft for holiday time. You can use chocolate drops, chocolate raisins or even plain raisins to represent the poop.

What you need

Raisins or chocolate drops


You can place the turkey poop into simply plastic bags or into organza gift bags and attach a tag.

—-Turkey Poop Poem—-

You invited me to dinner
with your family and your friends.
You didn’t say I was the main dish.
For me it was “THE END!”

You frightened me so badly
I knew I had been duped!
So I left you with my calling card:
This bag of Turkey Poop!


  1. Carol Ann Speight says

    “Debbie-Downers” are everywhere!

  2. I love it. I am using the poem but altering the “poop” for the husband of a friend. Explaination – I haave a pet turkey, and he’s ALWAYS asking me it the turkeys “ready” yet. So consequently, every Thanksgiving they get a turkey related card. This year they are getting 2, one for them and this one for HIM.

    I’m altering it to be just a regular card, and made turkey “poop” with glue, acrylic paint and papertowel. I originally was going to put it in a bag like the candy, but it didn’t come out right to work for that. It’ll look so much inside the card being “splattered” in several spots.

    My sister and her family are vegitarians, so I’m going to try to re-work the poem to be a Thankful turkey, leaving them some of his food and making up a bag of candy corn for them.

    I just gotta get busy ! ! !

  3. I just don’t get all these “poop” crafts. I mean, gross! Not my cup of tea, but I guess some people are amused by it.

  4. I love it – and it could be just as good at Christmas too

  5. i love it its so funny once i had snowman poop

  6. oh hahaha it left me with a memory i woun’t foget

  7. I’m with the people who find the poem disgusting. I’d suggesting thinking twice before doing this. Not everyone is going to find it funny.

  8. very funny! my family loved it

  9. We also do this at Christmas, only it’s reindeer poop and I use a wide variety and end up with a wholesome snack. (Trail Mix)

  10. its fun but the snowman poop is just tastier. soz.

  11. We do the same at Christmas, using mini marshmallows, which is called snowman poop.

  12. I love this. The poem is cute. And the “gift” itself is entertaining. My family is one for gag gifts. They love it. Thanks.

  13. muffin99cat says

    Great preasent!!

  14. OMG! so funny!

  15. It is good and funny except instead of JUST having the turkey poop could you at something to decorate the bag or to find out something else to go with it other chocolate buttons and raisins.
    Thanks! KEep up the good work!

  16. lol

  17. one word :WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. that is funny

  19. You can also use candy corn.

  20. I’m doing this with chocolate covered raisins for the younger ones tomorrow – they’ll love it, thanks!

  21. nice lol

  22. that nasty but funny

  23. it wasnt that good!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Love it! I’ve seen leprechaun poop, as i live in Ireland, but this is totally new to me!

  25. OMG, I am so doing this. It looks like a great gag for many in my family and friends too.

  26. So funny!!!:)

  27. muffin99cat says

    so funny:)

  28. This is a good craft to involve children with. It makes for a good laugh when you place choclate covered dinner mints in the bag also.

  29. greatflowerlady says

    very cute

  30. I this for my teachers, family, and everyone else

  31. this is a great idea! when my sister went to Idaho she got “moose turds” for the kids. i’ll try this for thanksgiving!

  32. that is disgusting!i don’t even want to give it one star but whatever.

  33. I have never seen a gag craft for Thanksgiving-THANKS!

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