What you need
Ingredients are below
Herbal extracts, essential oils and minerals are heated and applied to the skin to help draw out accumulated toxins that sit on the skin and soft tissue layers. This procedure aids the body to further breakdown fat. By applying pressure body wraps it compacts the detoxified fatty tissue cells toning and reducing the outer fat.
The herbs and minerals provide much-needed nutrients to the cells, which penetrate our cell walls and releases the fatty material into our lymphatic system, which then carries out excess fat and toxins from the body naturally.
Skin is the largest breathing organ of our body and every day we expose it to harmful toxins, smoking, air pollution, Chemicals and even exposure to the harmful dry windy weather. These harmful toxins get caught up in our fat cells, leaving us feeling sluggish, fatigued and sometimes rather physically ill.
Body wraps are not only for weight loss they are a total body Makeover internal and external. A well-designed body wrap even one that is homemade can help fix your skin problems, improve circulation, ease muscle and joint pain, rid the body of harmful toxins and activate the breakdown of fat cells so it can be eliminated from the body naturally through our own lymphatic drainage system.
Rather then me telling you what your body needs, I have provided you with a list of over 50 ingredients that you can choose from to tailor a body wrap recipe to suit your own requirements, skin type and what you can easily and cost-effectively obtain.
Process Overview
Select an area that is quiet, peaceful and warm. You may need to heat this area. For a full spa treatment, set the mood with relaxing music and some candles.
Body Preparation:
Several days before the Wrap, ensure you have started detoxing your insides by drinking 2 litres of water each day and eating a healthy diet. Exfoliate your skin using an exfoliating mitt and avoid shaving or waxing for a few days. Before applying the DIY body wrap take a warm shower to open your pores up to allow a quick absorption of the minerals.
Making some cloth wraps:
You can use medical bandages or a cotton sheet
that has been cut into strips to wrap your body in. Make sure that these are small enough to handle and roll them up ready to use. The main object of these bandages is to allow the fat cells to collapse under the compression of the bandages or wraps.
Preparing your ingredients:
Select your ingredients from the list provided based on what you can obtain easily and also what you feel your body needs to detoxify. You can make it as intense or as simple as you like. Once you have them ready boil 1.8lts of water in a large stainless steel stockpot. Once it has reached boiling point remove it from the heat and add all your selected ingredients and allow it to cool down for 10 minutes. This mix is now ready to use.
Application process:
Dip your bandages or cloth wraps into the mix one by one making sure your mud mix stays warm, you may need to re-heat it if it cools too quickly. Thoroughly soak each bandage into the mix then wrap it around your body starting from your ankles and working your way up. If you are getting help with this, by all means, wear underwear, it wonýt make much difference to the outcome. It is, however, important to stay warm, so if your room is too chilled wrap yourself in a washable blanket lay back and relax for at least 60 minutes.
Natural Clay: Choose 2 cups of clay suitable for your skin type.
Dead Sea – Mineral and nutrient-enriched for detoxification
Green Clay – Detoxifies, oily skin, stimulates circulation
Moroccan Red – Exfoliates, stimulates circulation Fullers Earth -Oily skin, exfoliates and stimulates circulation Red Clay -Stimulated circulation, removes dry skin cells Rose Clay -Exfoliates stimulates circulation
Salt: Choose 1 cup of salt
Epsom Salts – Relaxes the nervous system eases pain and removes toxins
Sea Salt – Draws toxins from the body
Dead Sea Salt -Skin tonic, detoxifying, nutrient enriched
Herbs: 1 cup in total. Try to add at least 2 different herbs.
If the herbs are not already powdered then puree them in a blender.
Aloe Vera – Soothes and Heals
Neem Leaves – Anti bacterial, anti-fungal
Rose Petal Powder – Stimulates Circulation
Alfalfa Leaf powder – Relieves muscle and joint pain, fatigue
Calendula powder – Heals broken skin
Chamomile Powder – Anti-inflammatory, Calming
Stinging Nettles Powder – Deep cleanser, soothes irritated skin
Parsley Powder – Detoxifying, soothing
Peppermint Leaf – Stimulation, soothing, stomach upset
Rosehip Powder – Vitamin c, nutrients
St Johns Wart Powder – Healing nutrient
Kelp Powder: 1 cup
To detoxify the body and add vital nutrients that help reduce cellulite and increase circulation
Moisture Agents: Replace the water you will bring to the boil with any of these wetting agents E.g. Add 1 cup of milk, then remove 1 cup of water from the 1.8 litres of spring water.
You can substitute any of these moisture agents for the water. Try and choose 3 different ones to benefit different areas
Apple Cider Vinegar – Helps to heal bruises, soothes irritated skin
Glycerin – Deep skin Moisturizer
Chamomile tea – Promotes relaxation and detoxifies
Witch Hazel – Skin toner and cleanser
Goats Milk – Balances Ph levels in the skin and exfoliates skin cells whilst moisturizing
Whole Cream Milk – Relieves dry and itchy skin and full of nutrients
Fruit Juice – Full of vitamins
Yoghurt – Soothes dry and irritated skin
Lemon Juice – detoxifies and cleanses skin cells These essential oils are used to combat cellulite and detoxify the body
Essential Oils – 18mls in total combined oils Or 1% of the mix
Lavender Essential Oil – Headaches, stress, insomnia, minor burns, skin rashes, lowers blood pressure. Calmative. Basil Essential Oil- Antibacterial, headaches, mental alertness, fatigue, stress, Period pains(Blends well with lemon and fennel). Lemon Essential Oil- Cellulite, oily skin, anti-bacterial, asthma and other respiratory complaints.
Patchouli Essential Oil – Tightens pores, combats wrinkles, Mobilizes cellulite, stress reliever, insomnia, relaxant, acne, eczema, psoriasis, sores and minor burns (Blends well with lavender and sandalwood).
Sandalwood Essential Oil– Calms the mind and spirit, oily skin, soothes irritated skin and is an aphrodisiac for men. (Blends well with lavender and sandalwood).
Spearmint Essential Oil – Soothes the skin, calmative, and settles upset tummies.
Lemon Grass Essential Oil – Skin toner, oily skin, fatigue, muscle aches and gastric infections- (Blends well with tea tree and lavender).
Tea Tree Essential Oil – Antifungal, acne, skin toner. (Blends well with spearmint, sandalwood, lavender, and eucalyptus).
Juniper Berry Essential Oil – Cellulite, uplifting (Blends well with lavender, patchouli and sandalwood).
Fennel Essential Oil – Diuretic, circulation. Cleansing oil, indigestion and gas. (Blends well with lavender, lemon, basil and sandalwood).
Cypress Essential Oil – Diuretic, varicose veins, circulation, coughs and colds. (Blends well with lavender, sandalwood and patchouli)
Natural Additives: 2 tablespoons of any
Aloe Vera Gel – moisturizer
Rice Bran Powder Fine – Prevents wrinkles, exfoliates the skin, absorbs excess oil and dirt
Honey Powder – Skin cleaners, softener, absorbs dry skin.
Coconut Milk Powder – Skin softener, full of nutrients
Moisturizing Oils – 2 tablespoons in total only.
Almond Oil – mature skin, sensitive or dry skin
Aloe Vera Oil – anti-ageing, skin irritations, cuts and minor burns
Palm Oil – Moisturizing oil
Apricot Kernel Oil – Skin irritations, dry inflamed skin. Absorbs quickly.
Refined Emu Oil – repairs damaged and wrinkled skin, muscle and joint pain, repair scar tissue.
Shea Oil – retains skins elasticity, moisturizes dry cracked skin
Sesame Oil – moisturizing, retains skins elasticity
Sunflower Oil – moisturizes, regenerate and condition skin
Soybean Oil – moisturizing oil filled with vitamin E
Evening primrose Oil – eczema, nourishes dry skin
Flaxseed Oil – eczema, psoriasis, acne and ageing skin
Olive Oil – regenerate new skin cells, draws moisture to external skin cells
Macadamia Oil – Penetrates the skin quickly, antioxidant
Rapeseed Oil – strengths skin tissue full of vitamins and minerals
Preparing your ingredients
Once you have your ingredients ready boil 1.8lts of water in a large stainless steel stockpot. Once it has reached boiling point add the herbs and remove the pot from the heat. Add all the remaining ingredients to the pot stir well and allow it to cool down for 10 minutes.
Application process:
Dip your bandages or cloth wraps into the mix one by one making sure your mud mix stays warm, you may need to re-heat it if it cools too quickly.
Thoroughly soak each bandage into the mix then wrap it around your body starting from your ankles and working your way up. If you are getting help with this one, by all means, wear underwear it won’t make much difference to the outcome. It is, however, important to stay warm, so if your room is too chilled, wrap yourself in a washable blanket. Lay back and relax for a good 60 minutes.
Add some Weightloss slimming essential oils to help detox the body such as Ginger and Grapefruit.
Do you ha e any recipes for ice clay I can use for body sculpting? Or are all of these clay wraps freezable?
I want to start this tonight but I only have epsom salt, olive oil, coconut oil and chamomile tea bags. can i still use any of these ingredients to work? also for how long should i keep the wrap and how often can i do it? Thanks!
also, for the clays, does it have to be in powder form?
Can I use vegetable oil instead of olive oil?
No it wont have the same effect as olive oil.
Has anyone else used a body suit instead of the bandage wraps ? If so, what type of body suit was it ? Cotton? Plastic sweat suit ?
This is a great recipe ! I like to craft my own body wrap recipes and use them all the time. All you need is a little bit of research, but you can also find kits online.. I use them to slim down for special occasions, improve the look of my stretch marks ( body wraps are the only thing I have found yet that actually works for them ) and to detox my body. They’re great and I recommend them for sure! Anyone interested check out http://www.bodywrapguide.com/ for helpful information & more recipes!
Can you save the rest of your wrap if you don’t use it all?
Did you try it?
I’ve done this wrap b4. It’s great and effective. I use SARAN WRAP! Allows me to get it tight and it’s easier. Dollar store brand works too. Then I either put on sauna suit or get under blankets with heating pad. Love them
I’ve found an EASIER, CHEAPER and FASTER way!! I was doing the ace bandages, went to Dollar store and bought about 18. They curl up, they come undone, the pins pop and poke you, I was through with it! Bought a Bodyshape suit from Marshalls on sale for $11.20!! It’s the same as the bandages only faster, more comfortable, everything!! It soaks up everything the same, stays in place, no pins sticking you! WAY WAY BETTER!!! AND cheaper!
How many inches did you loose with the suite?
I like it.. Thanks
wonderful just wondering if I am suppose to use ALL OF THE ingredients listed. IM confused lol . Could you please get back to me. I would like to start wrapping asap
I don’t have any cotton pillow cases to cut up…would it still work if I lathered my legs with the mixture, then wore two pairs of black tights?
Great tips, ur truly a blessing! Thanks for all the knowledge
Can this be made ahead of time and kept in the fridge for future uses?
I cant wait to try it! I just started doing the Wrap It products they work very well, but very expensive. Hopefully this will do the same or better. It has alot of the same ingredients a Wrap It.
I will definitely try your recipe little by little because there are plenty on it on your recipe.
I usually went to the body contour company in Coconut grove with my fave body wrapping sessions. http://TheBodyContourCompany.com
thumbs up to the recipe for people who have less budget
can anyone share what they use ? I’m confused on how many ingedients to use. Thank you so much.
Love this…very informative. Tried lastnight….only problem is that its extremely messy. I think next time I might try putting the mixture on first then wrapping with bandages.
I placed painters plastic drop cloth on the floor and stood on while I applied and also in the empty bathtub where I rested for the hour, also covered in an old blanket
So with the ingredients posted above.. how many do i choose to mix in the water for the wrap ?
I am starting on a new healthy diet but have a lot of loose skin from having my babies so a healthy diet won’t be able to help me with that problem, but I sure hope this will! Thank you so much for posting this
used this and i noticed a difference use cypress and patchouli oil… which makes you really sleepy(they sedate).. my belly skin has tightened up and looks smaller with less cellulite… yeah.. oh like this website for dry ingredients…herbalcom.com thanks to the guest who put it on here.. and thanks to the author of this recipe for your time!
Didn’t lose any inches but it felt really detoxifying and I was almost pouring sweat when I took the wrap off. My skin is really soft now too.
I tried this last night. I have to say I was a little disappointed. I didn’t lose inches but my skin is super soft now. I have noticed a major reduction in cellulite and it even help with stretch marks. My booty feels really smooth :). My issue was probably not wrapping myself tight enough for inches to be taken off. Also, I didn’t have enough mixture for my whole body(got up to my chest). I would recommend ringing the clothes out a bit a definitely wrap tight!
This is very iformative. The fact that there are options to switch things up from time to time is an added bonus.
I work in a all organic place that makes lotions and shampoos and stuff, i have every one of these ingredients. and even every oil named in 55 gallon drums, and about 350 essential oils on hand even the kelp and clay. ive been eating 1/4 tesp of clay every day. i cant wait to get back to work and start mixing… thank you for the info.
Wait what you eat clay….???
I like to make sure that the kids are out of the house when I do my body wraps. I bought a book called Wrap Yourself Slim that contains a lot of different stuff about thalassotherapy and aromatherapy but your recipe looks great.
Make sure you go to the bathroom before you start wrapping and have everything you need to hand (book, favorite CD, cocktail etc!)
I got all my ingredients off ebay. Thank you for posting this! You are going to save me hundreds on those pre made wraps.
curious to learn more about this.
This is exactly what I wanted to find! So thorough! I cannot wait to try this out!! Thank you!
how big is a cup? and please put it in normal measurements… not the English ones.. it’s just too complicated
Does anyone know What ingredients would be good for stretch marks and tightening the skin on your stomach?
I hope it works…thank you SO much for taking the time to do this for others. Have a great day!
What fraction of this can be used for just one section. I want to wrap my stomach and I don’t want to waste it.
herbalcom.com has almost all of the ingredients listed here… I just ordered mine, i can’t wait to try it out thank you so much!!!
yay it worked for me! I’m only doing my midsection with a mixture of calcium bentonite, water, and a few herbs AT THE MOMENT(Im wrapped up right now hehehe). BUT I did see results with only water and clay(calcium bentonite) a couple days ago. I saw instant results and a friend came over to workout AND SHE NOTICED TO!
Sooo wooohoooo!!!
i’m super excited i hope it works cause i really need to lose some inches
I’m so excited about this — and went on e-bay to purchase everything I needed. The total cost delivered to Los Angeles from various vendors was $97.66 – however, I purchased everything in bulk. I figure that I purchased enough for about 10 applications. I’ll submit comments after my first wrap.
Fresh herbs or dried herbs?
This project sounds really fun an interestin i can’t wait 2 try it matter of fact this whole site is just a miracle find
i’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited an i think i might have just fount my callin only time an god will tell the future secrets !!!!
Thrilled to have found these recipes! Now are these wraps as effective if the mud is slathered thick onto the body and wrapped tightly in plastic wrap/Saran Wrap?
Thanks… i was about to spend $40 one just one application of something that may not be fda approved.
This is a wonderful site, just what I have been looking for!!! AT LAST
Can’t wait to get started!!
Where can I buy all these lovley goodies on the internet??
UK or Eurpoean supplier only please
Yes the inches will stay off as long as you follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain you new body. Of course water weight will creep on and fall of during your lunar cycle. You can do a body wrap every 72 hours as long as you are hydrated and not any medication that using herbs will contraindicate it. Talk to your doctor if you are not sure.
Awesome site – thank you
this information is stellar and i can’t wait to get started! but i do have a quick question for anyone who’s already started using this. after your first wrap, do the inches that you lose stay off? or do they gather back up within a couple days? i heard that one should do this process about once every five days and i was wondering if that was because the inches come back over the course of a couples days? i’ve really never tried this before.
can you reuse leftovers
Thank you sooo much been ssearching the web for 2 days. This is the best ifo yet! Can’t wait to get started!
Thanks so much! Can you re-heat and re-use the leftovers?
A nice tip…..go to like walmart or target and go to there like fitness section with the weights and everything…they have these suits that are like plasticy(like sweat pants and a sweatshirt. 10 bucks,put that on over the wrap and hop on the stairmaster or a treadmill and do a light workout for 30 minutes….works amazing!!!
Thank you for this information it was very helpful.
where can I get these ingredients?
this is wonderful thank you
I have been searching the internet for something like this. I used to get Oleoslim wraps and with the economy I cant afford them anymore. This is great. Can you premix some of the ingredients. Ex. the essential oils with one another and the dry items with one another to make it easier when you want to do a wrap??
This is a good sight thanks for being honest.
Hi. Does anyone know how much it all actually costs? Thanks. ~Peaches:)
Yes, the 2 cups is for powdered clay
I’m wondering when you say 2 cups of clay is that the powdered version? Or is it less if you get powder?
WoW Thanks for this article.
As a LMT I am always looking for new and exciting ways to please my clients’ demands.
This will certainly help.
wow.. finally i found the right for me not to expensive to have slimmer body hahhaha..
I can’t believe I thought about paying for something I could do myself! I could have spent over $100 for a wrap that your supposed to do multiple times, and I could have spent $75 for a kit. . . now I know I can visit my local nutrition center and pick up everything I need to do it in the comfort of my own home for around $25!!!
Excellent. I can’t wait to try the combinations of ingredients, and what a way to save money! I like placing a heating pad under a very large beach towel on my bed. Wrap plastic wrap around the cloths to make it less messy and cover up with a blanket.
sounds fantastic!cant wait to loose some pounds!!hehe
Try using a crock pot to keep your mixture warm you can keep your cloths in untill you are ready to use them.
Nice Article Thank You
I ran a hot tub,added,parsley flakes,dry basil, lemon juice,epson salt and green tea bath oil. felt wonderful and i lost 8 inches!
i tried it and lost 8 inches in just over an hour, I will do it again for sure !! thanks
better info than most other sites i ran across. Will be trying it soon. Thanks!
A very helpful website. I never been here before. I’m glad I found it.
Excellent site! Loaded with great info!
its a very good recipie iv benen looking for somthing like this
this sounds easy enough and relaxing too.
Excellent recipe
people, read the article more closely. It gives actual measurements and types of clay to use “based on what you’re looking for”
if i do not use the whole mixture, can i put it in a jar and save it for another wrap?
Compared to other recipies I have seen, this one is very informative – helping me to choose the right ingredients for ME. Thanks! I can’t wait to try it!
i had the hardest time finding ingredients for this but i finally found a site with everything! http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/default.asp
Amazing. My best friend lost 5 inches before he wedding. I bought her the products from thegourmetrose.com if that helps – Angie
this is an awesome way to save money and be creative. I loved how you can tailor your own recipe to your body’s needs.
Well, my bandages keep rolling and it takes so long that my mixture gets cold. Any suggestions?
Health food stores should have all the ingredients
sounds like a good idea. does anyone know WHERE to buy all these items? thanks.
this is great and I just bought bentonite clay powder.
sounds good but needmore info please.
How much of each of the ingredients? How much water? Just plain old mud??
I used this recipe and lost 5 inches!!
I just paid $198 to have a wrap done for Christmas