Quick Easy Beaded Bracelet

Quick Easy Beaded Bracelet

Make this beaded bracelet that is quick and easy to make.

What you need

Stretch cord 30 inches long
4 x 3 hole spacers
Assortment of glass beads (take into consideration the size of your 3 hole spacer when selecting beads)

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To make threading the beads onto the cord easier, use a needle with a large enough eye to accommodate the stretch cord. Make sure that the needle can also pass through the beads.

Thread a stop bead (a spare bead that is not part of the design) and tie a knot to secure. This will keep you beads in place as you work.

Pattern as follows: *3 hole spacer bead, 20 beads, 3 hole spacer bead, 20 beads, 3 hole spacer bead, 20 beads, 3 hole spacer and finally the last 20 beads on this row*.

Pass needle through the first 3 hole spacer bead, making a circle.

Loop the stretch cord down into the next hole in the spacer bead and repeat above * * for the next two rows.

Loop the stretch cord up through to the knot on the first row and secure tightly with a couple of knots.

Remove the stop bead and snip loose ends.

All done!

This project was submitted by Sharon. Thanks Sharon!


  1. I think your bead projects would be easier to follow if you gave images(drawings or photographs) of the steps to completion. Some people do better with more visual information ( me included).

  2. this website is truly awesome…hats off!!
    i wud like to suggest you to add patterns for crochet bags and clutches…..keep smashin’!

  3. I think the “wording” threw you off about the hole spacers. It looks like it calls for four spacers that have 3 holes. They are the gold pieces in the photo.

  4. This piece is very much to my taste (I’m, er, not a teenager), but I’m having difficulty understanding the directions because I don’t know what a “hole spacer” is. Anybody???

    • “Hole spacer” is the bar looking bead that has 3 holes so you can have a bracelet with 3 bands of beads

  5. it looks hard

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