Potpourri Easter Bunny

Potpourri Easter Bunny

Easter ---- kids-crafts-easter

What you need

White and Blue felt.
Stuffing/toy wadding
needle and Pink thread
2 small beads for eyes.


This Easter bunny craft project is filled with potpourri for a fancy alternative to a simple decoration.

Start by printing out the following pattern and cutting out the pieces from appropriate colors of felt .

Start by stitching the sides of the rectangle together to form the body. Then stitch the base onto the body of the Easter bunny.

Stitch the arms together and turn inside out.

Sew both front sections of head adding the back section into place and then turn inside out.

Sew the two pieces of each ear together. You can contrast them by making the inside piece a different color if you desire. Turn inside out.

Sew the ears onto the head and fill the head with wadding.

Fill the body with potpourri and draw up the stitches at the top, top up with wadding, as you draw up the body place the head into position.

To finish, embroider the nose and add the eyes, alternatively you could use permanent markers to draw on the face.


What do you think of this project? Let us know!