What you need
Supplies needed:
– container or planter of choice
– assorted pine cones
– green and yellow craft paint
– filler such as gravel, sand, stones
– paint brush
Pine Cone Succulent Garden Craft
1. begin by applying the craft paint to both the tops and underside of your pine cones. You can decide which end of the pine cone will be showing and paint the appropriate end.
2. Create texture to your pine cone succulent by using various shades of green and yellow as we did. You may wish to paint the pine cone a solid color then use a lighter color to accent the tips of the cone. Allow to dry.
3. Fill your container with sand, dirt, or a filler of your choice. You can also add stones, faux moss rocks, etc.

I liked that ideal very much & can you use any type pine cones.
I think this is very lovely idea and I will give it a go as the pine trees here are dropping them now, thank you the idea perfect