What you need
Milk Cartons
Plant Pot:
I have used them to plant flowers in …a kind of craft project for the children. We pretty up the milk carton with different kinds of paper and then plant the flower in there. It looks really pretty!..by Maria
Party Bags:Instructions
Cut the tops of and decorate with crepe paper for a fast and inexpensive party bag for sweets or take home gifts.
Bird Feeder:Instructions
Make a simple bird feeder by cutting a hole in the carton clean and dry it out insert a dowel for a perch and fill with seed, suspend from a tree. You can also cover the carton, clean and dry them out first and seal the top use the to make houses for the kids to make a little village. I also use them to start plants I just cut the top off or the side if I want more soil area..By Gina
Ice Candles: Instructions
Use them to make ice candles, make them into holders for yarn and ribbons. You can decorate them with cloth and buttons and make Halloween decorations like spooky ghosts, use them at Christmas time and make holiday houses. By Debbie
Pencil Holders:
Make pen/pencil holders. Whether the cardboard or the plastic ones , you can cut off the top, then cut down AN Unequal number of equidistant widths from top almost to base all around the carton, forming struts on which to weave.
Get another carton, cut off top & bottom, & in circling motion, cut it from base to top in one continuous strip (like peeling an orange) so you have one long length. You can then weave it in & out of the ‘struts’ of the first carton. When you reach the top, get another milk carton cut off top & bottom, & cut a wide strip from the body of the carton which will go around the top of the woven cartons.
Fold it over, to hide top of struts & weaver, & ‘lash’ it on by over sewing with one long strip cut from a plastic shopping bag or bin liner, whatever colour you fancy. The whole project takes only minutes & looks great. Works REALLY well with the plastic milk cartons (or soft drink bottles too). By Jan Lewis
Ginger Bread House:
Make a very easy gingerbread house. Use graham crackers instead of gingerbread, use plain white icing to glue the crackers to small milk cartons (indiv. size), and also to glue candy and pretzels and green coloured shredded coconut as decorations. Easy for very young kids, as no fiddling with gingerbread walls that won’t stick together. By Marg
Decoupage Containers :
Cut the top off, paint the carton and then decoupage with pictures. Make flowers out of tissue paper and pipe cleaners and you have a vase with flowers. By Melinda
Seedling Hot Houses :
Cut off the ends and put over young seedlings to protect them . By Dale
Cover it with contact paper or wallpaper and voila! you got a new flower vase. By Fanny
Make piggy banks, bird feeders, trucks, train cars, pencil holders, plastic bag holders, a potpourri holder and a vase. By Arlene
Dolls House:
You can build a dolls house. Make each carton a room with doors and windows cut out. Stick together and paint. By M Chapman
Play Town:
You Can make a town. Cover each milk carton with construction paper. Cut windows doors, add a sign for the different buildings, like school, church etc. (cut them in various sizes to have some variety) This would be good to do with preschoolers, talk about colors, shapes!!. By Pam
If you have more suggestions post them into the comments or send as an e-mail and we will add it to the list.
needs some pics
no pictures – don´t like
good i guess
You could cut windows out and put tissue paper on the inside over them and decorate themfor a Christmas village. Sprinkle with glitter for snow. Put clear lights inside of them to light them up. Your kids will drink more milk to make more
i thought some of the designs were nice
you know you could make barns out of them!!!!!!!!
this is good for kids to make things
where’s the candle light’s you need more creative things!!
How on earth do you expect anyone to be able to make a milk carton house!And for 2 kids????
they are ok, but i could think of some betta ones!
why not try making a house with milk cartons. one where 2 kids can fit in.they can decorate it on the inside. trust me they will play with it for hours
Need pictures – should be easier to read with title for each project, brief discription and picture