What you need
2 oz (55 g) Beeswax
3 oz (85 g) Shea Butter
4 oz (115 g) Olive Oil
10-15 drops of lavender essential oil
Lip Balm containers or small jars
If you can not get hold of Shea butter, then substitute the 3 oz of Shea butter with 1 extra oz of beeswax and 2 oz of either a massage oil base like Apricot oil, or use Olive Oil.
Start by melting the beeswax and Shea Butter down in a double boiler method.
Once the beeswax is melted add all the oils together including the lavender oil.
Now add the mixture to small lip balm pots or miniature jam jars.
This recipe makes 9 0z (250 g) of solid headache relief balm.
How to use: Apply to your temples and take deep breaths.
Here are some more ideas for relieving headaches
Headaches can certainly ruin one’s day. However, there are ways in which you can ease the, at times, before they turn into full migraines. Try these tips as soon as you feel a headache forming.
Over-the-counter medication
Medication like Tylenol and Motrin can ease many headaches. Follow the direction on the package. If you can take these with a small cup of coffee, they can even work faster. However, be warned that Tylenol does have caffeine in it. If you have problems with caffeine you may want to stick with Motrin. Neither should be taken on a regular basis.
A warm compress
Place a warm compress over your eyes. The warmth may ease not only your pain but help to open your sinus cavities, which may be producing some of your pain in the first place.
Lie down
If you can, lie down in a darkened room. If you can only lie down for a ten minutes do that as this action of lying still with your eyes closed can sometimes ease your pain. It gives your body time to relax and sometimes this is all we need to calm down those nerves that are starting to react and starting to produce the pain in your head.
Drink warm tea
Warm teas such as green tea and chamomile tea can warm up your body, ease your pain and help to relax your entire body. That is why they are always a good cure when you are sick or when you are beginning to experience head pain.
Gently massage your temples, forehead and neck
If you can or someone else can gently massage your temple area, your forehead and your neck area, you may be able to loosen up some of the tension that is building in those regions. This may help reduce your pain.
Eating something spicy
If you believe your headache may be due to your sinuses becoming plugged, you may want to try eating something spicy to help open them. However, if you feel any stomach discomfort you may want to skip this tip.
Try to mediate or practice a yoga pose
Mediation and yoga are two great ways to calm your body and to find your own state of relaxation. Sometimes all you need to stop a headache is to get your body in a relaxed state.
Take a brisk walk
Exercise stimulates our blood. This can help pump oxygen to our head. This is one reason why exercise can benefit an ongoing headache. If you exercise outside, the fresh air may also be beneficial.
If you continue to have headaches on a regular basis, seek advice from your physician on how to stop them permanently and finding out the root of their cause.
Be careful with the lavender oil, especially if your headaches are related to sinusitus or any sinus-related ailment. Lavender is a FLORAL scent which could aggrevate the sinusses.
I love the idea of a “headache pot”. I am prone to headaches and always seem to be out and about when one hits. The idea I can get relief on the spot without having to find water and meds. Thanks.
Where can i get this stuff from? i want to make it 4 my gran but have a scooby doo where to get it! : / thanks… i think…
to the person who asked where to get Shea butter and beeswax from in Austraila. you should be able to get them from your local health food shops and herbalists.
Think I’ll include these with my stocking stuffers for the family this year! Thanks for a great project.
can you change the lavender oil to almond oil? can anyone help!? thanks
i love this
I would think this balm could also be used on cuticles or on a couple of select places to help you get to sleep at night. I have terrible migraines & take several meds for them & I have an herb mask with Lavender that I use sometimes if they’re not to bad. It really helps, so I’m gonna make this one for sure!
this is a great idea the brand name stuff also has peppermint and I love it now I can make it for my family, thanks so much !!!
This is sooooo cool. i get headaches at skool all the time so this will be very useful! Thank u!
il try making this for my mum, but where on EARTH do you get shea butter?? is it really available in body shop…(in moscow)
Excellent tutorial. Thank you very much!!
this looks awesome can’t wait to try!!!!!!!
omg! i always have headaches haven’t tried this but it looks awesome!
Hey everyone. I have some info on the pots… I bought some in Boes. They were kindof expensive ($12) but they came in a pack of 6. I have yet to try out this umm… Recipe? But I am sure t will be great!
The best place to put this on are your pressure points:) (medically speaking)lavender is a relaxing herb, especially to lower high blood pressure
Zoey, I have found tiny plastic pots with lids in craft shops and cheap shops for about $2 a packet
my mother in law uses the very small rubber maid containters. those work great!
You can buy containers as well as all the supplies that you may need on http://www.glorybee.com they are great they are local to me and i just bought everything that i needed from them
Wouldn’t you be able to do this in a chapstick tube or lipstick tube?’Cause you can do that with most homemade lipgloss.
Cool idea, but where do u get the beeswax and shea butter from?
(In Australia)
I have headaches on the journeys & while watching movies. &now this is the solution. It is REALLY VERY USEFUL…..
to Zoey:
You might be able to find those pots in a crafts store, like Michael’s, or you could just go to a drug store, and buy a lip balm or body lotion in a tin can. If you use it up and wash it after it’s empty, you could use that.
Great idea! And very very useful!! I will try it!
wow, i really needed this stuff
These aromatherapy items work very well. You can locate any and all kinds of containers from suppliers of candle making and body and bath vendors.
i just love it. i already tried thyem out. oh yes
Apply directly to the forehead!

this is really intresting! i think i’ll try it some day!
Can i just ask, does anyone know where you can buy lip balm pots and for how much? I want to try lots of projects like these, but have no-where to store them. Please help. xx Zoe (age 11) Thanks guys!
Just massage your temples, you don’t need to make this balm! The rubbing takes away the headache because it relaxes the tight muscles and gives you something else to think about!
I had a roll on oil before that I liked, but I think I would like this more!
PeterPam, it’s like solid perfume, and certain scents heal certain things, like Lavender & Peppermint scents can help with headaches and healing. Eucalyptus is good too!! =3
Great recipe. I like to use eucalyptus. This is good if you don’t like the scent of lavender. You can also rub this on the back of your neck too along with on your temples.
I love the Idea.. I should actually make one for all my teachers and my mom
Fantastic.. it really works.
shea butter is available in Uk no problems ( can even buy in the Body shops)
You can buy all the containers and supplies on Amazon cheap