What you need
2 Pipe cleaners
1/4 Metre of tulle in one color
1/4 Metre of tulle in a contrasting color
Start by taking your 2 pipe cleaners and twisting the ends together to form a circle. This is the base for your garland.
Take your tulle and cut it into strips around 2 inch wide and 6 inch long. The garlands look nice when they are arranged in alternate colors, like red, white, red, white and so on.
Place your piece of tulle onto one end of the circle. Tie it in a knot in the middle of the tulle. The ends will create a ruffle around the circle. Keep adding your tulle until the complete circle is full.
Now you have a perfect garland for any little fairy.
I am going to try this for my daughters party I hope it comes out good
thanks for the idea