What you need
1. Some note cards (that have ridges to fold, but aren’t folded). You can get these at wal mart for really cheap, with envelopes
2. At least a half yard of some random fabrics
3. An iron
4. Freezer paper
5. A sewing machine (or needle and thread)
6. Scissors
7. An iron
8. An ironing board or something to the equivalent
First you are going to iron out your fabric so that it doesn’t have any wrinkles.
Second you are going to cut off a piece of your freezer paper so that its about the same size as your fabric.
Turn your iron onto the cotton setting and wait for it to preheat.
Place the freezer paper shiny side up onto your ironing board.
Put your fabric on top of it RIGHT SIDE UP. Iron it until its nice and stuck to the fabric.
Cut off any extra fabric or freezer paper so that its all even.
Turn your fabric/freezer paper to the papery side.
Take your note cards and trace as many note cards as you can.
Cut them out.
Place the fabric on top of the note card (i sometimes put 8 little dots on each corner of the note cards so that it will stay while sewing).
Either hand sew or sew with a machine, the fabric to your card.
Now you have a pretty fabric card.
I am a visual learner. I think you might put more pictures of how the project was done so it might be easier to understand.
This is a woderful idea!
I have no clue as to what is going on regarding the language/grammar but I love this card idea. I would love do the fabric and ironing part and have my 5 year old decorate with buttons, stickers, ribbon etc. What a fun project for the 2 of us to do together. Thanks!
I think this is such a cute idea, and something I think my mum would really appreciate (I have so many fabric scraps floating around!). You could also embellish it with some bits and pieces on top (rhinestones, fabric flowers, small beads, etc). Thanks!
I’m not a teacher, but I think when people get so wrapped up in this type of thing it may stifle anyone’s desire to post something creative on this page. I like to see good grammar and spelling as much as any teacher, but let’s leave it alone and enjoy the craft itself! Ease up a little.
~~~The card is a nice idea. I’m going to do some. This is about the card, not grammer. Have a good life, Julia~~~
i don’t get this…. what is it, a piece of card with fabric on top and a box on the bottom???
I’m not being mean- i just don’t get it
LOL I love this forum site. Everyone is so bloody picky!!!
Great project darling! I think it is rather creative!
Why Does it really matter????:-/
Excellent. I noticed the teacher used ‘I’m. Should be I’m. Better yet, I am a teacher..
First of all she was using proper English, you’re is slang. You are is perfectly acceptable. Lighten up.
The wording is quite proper. Contractions are nice for verbal conversation and casual writing, but in technical writing, leave out the contractions. It’s an excellent project!!!!
^^ is that really a big deal?
It should be ‘First you’re…’ (you are) and ‘Second you’re…’I’m a teacher and tend to notice these things.