What you need
8 silk roses (color optional)
1 glue gun w/glue sticks (5)
1 can of spray paint black (flat)
1 pliers/wire cutters for stems from said roses (this will help with unwanted glue)
… and a headband (I used a 2″ wide for large/heavy roses)

What You Need
Use the pliers to trim your roses flush.
I spray-painted my headband black to give the roses a dramatic look (Make sure it’s completely dry before you handle it).
I assembled my roses in a train like pattern before I glued them on. Place your flowers from the right side working left (leaves first if they have fallen off).
Try not to mush your roses to much, kinda let the personality of the roses and leaves form. That’s it!
What do you think of this project? Let us know!