What you need
metal linked chain for strap
Playing cards (bigger=more cards)
clear duct tape
Lay cards in a pattern like this (just pretend the 0s are cards)
0000 (make 2 of these, these will be the sides)
(make two of these, these will be the front & back panels)
and then make a bottom:
Apply clear duct tape on the back of the cards & on the front.
Make sure to get rid of any bubbles that appear beneath the tape.
After each section is fully duct taped separately (there should be 5 sections), duct tape all sections together. Do this so that the purse can sustain itself considerably.
Then attach the chain with duct tape
This project was contributed Stephanie Kim
You could also use novelty cards, such as collectable pokemon cards, baseball cards and even tarot cards.
I think you could maybe use something more attractive like pictures of your favorite things or patterns!!! That’s what I did!
not very pretty….
this completely horrible good idea but all people can do that challenge us!!!!!!!
Cool idea but not very attractive.
A friend of mine made these at Girl Scout camp with her girls. I’m pretty sure she got the idea here. She bought Disney cards from the dollar store. There weren’t enough cards so she also did this with puzzles.
THis is awesome!!! but how much tape do I use so the bag is stable enough to carry certain amount of wait??
you could also use flower packets that seeds come in, that would be awesome or picture postcards close to same size say from same state or different ones cool ideas, just brainstormin here good luck!!t marrs
duct tape is cloth backed, so any transparent, strong, waterproof tape would probably work.
Is there such a thing as clear duct tape? Do you mean paking tape?!?
thats cool but if i made it i would never wear it sorry..
It would be cool if you added different patterns, too. My friend did it with different colors in a checkerboard pattern and it looked really cool!
This is brilliant!
hi! Just tried it out! I cut squares out of cardboard, and decorated them.. it looks great!! Thanks for the tip!!
really niceeeee
So simple, yet so creative!
If you don’t have tape, you could always use the sticky backed plastic coating that children use to cover their exercise books with?
This is brilliant. Mt daughter wants to use a Victoria’s Secret bag as a purse and I keep saying if I just had clear duct tape! Where on earth did you find it? clopez57@yahoo.com
This purse is cute!
I love duck tape! U can make anything if you put your mind to it!
whoa!! totally kewl! i’m gonna start high school this year and this can be my purse for personal items and whatnot! this is really funky… i’m sure my friends will ask me where i got it.
i’ll tell them about this site! by the way this site rocks!!
I used mini cards spaced very close together to make it look even better!
its so cute
I made this with some plastic cards I had from Disneyland and used purple duct tape to trim it with. I added a chain through some grommets for the handle, made a wallet, checkbook cover & cell phone cover to match and gave it all to my friend. A big hit!
I found your directions for making duct taoe creations and added the link to my new site http://www.ductapegirls.com
I’m just checking to make sure that’s okay with you.