What you need
Choose individually wrapped candies that have twist ties on each end like Tootsie Rolls or Bubble Gum.
You will need approximately 3 pounds of candy for a 6-8 inch wreath.
Foil wrappers are the easiest to work with. Craft stores have inexpensive gold rings often used to make dream catchers or you can cut your own wire and use pliers to connect the ends.
Next cut a 2-3 foot strand of curling ribbon. Tie one end of the ribbon to the end of your wire form. Loop your ribbon over your wire to create a small hole where you will add the candy wrapper ends. Without pulling the ribbon tight, use you other hand to loop your ribbon over the bottom end of the first loop to create a tying method that works like a running loop stitch.
Start with one piece of candy wrapper ends put in the loop and pulled tight, then add two at once. Push the pieces tightly against the first candy. The wax on the curling ribbon will help hold each piece in place so that it is not necessary to tie a complete knot. The candies will automatically spin around the wire for a full 3 dimensional look. Leave a 2 inch gap of wire showing.
After the candy is tied on add a big ribbon to cover up the metal hook closure or 2 inch gap. This may seem time consuming but I have made over 30 myself and after awhile you can complete a 5″ wreath in about 20 minutes! Be sure and keep your wreath out of the heat. Candy pieces can be taken off carefully leaving the papers on the wreath to keep it looking nice even when the candy is being eaten.
For Valentines use individually wrapped cinnamon bears, red gumballs in clear wrap or tootsie rolls are very cute when you add a red, brown and white plaid ribbon to the top. Tie in gift certificates rolled up or use miniature samples of body lotion on ribbons to hang in the center of the wreath.
Candy Centrepiece
For a sweet decoration that is edible, make a candy centerpiece! If your wreath will be used to adorn a pillar candle choose a wreath form that will allow the candle to be placed in the center allowing about 1 inch leeway for candy and other embellishments that will be placed in the inside circle of the wreath. If you choose to use a wire form wreath you can follow the directions above and for a wire wreath or try this alternative.
Use a Styrofoam wreath by grouping 2-3 candies together and secure with a 2″ florist pick. The pick will have an attached wire so it is easy to make many of these candy picks quickly. Insert each pick into the Styrofoam form. For a fun child’s valentine surprise make the candy wreath using individually wrapped bubblegum pieces, bright ribbons and attach semi-inflated balloon’s to the floral picks before adding them to the wreath.
Grocery stores everywhere often sell mugs displaying floral arrangements. Make our own arrangement with candy instead for a unique gift. Fill your mug 3/4 of the way to the top with a piece of floral foam or Styrofoam. Purchase strawberry bon-bons or other candy that looks like a flower bud. Group your candy with several silk leaves and attach it to a long floral pick or wire before filling your mug!
This Project was contributed by Rachel Webb
The candies you picked make the wreath very pretty and modern, as compared to the old fashioned candies that I’ve seen people most often use. Thank you for giving a great idea!
i dont get this bit. please helppp!!
Loop your ribbon over your wire to create a small hole where you will add the candy wrapper ends. Without pulling the ribbon tight, use you other hand to loop your ribbon over the bottom end of the first loop to create a tying method that works like a running loop stitch.
I would not mind getting this for valentines!!
My grandmother used to make these every year. She used a wire hanger for the wire form. She would shape it into a ring, wrap on the candies and since the hook of the hanger is left on, there’s no fussing connecting ends and the hook is perfect for hanging. Using the hanger is going to make a much larger wreath than shown in this project.
This Craft Is The Best
I like the idea. I found other sites that say to tie each candy with individual ribbon pieces. Just more work for the same result.
thank you sooooooo much for your directions they are sooooooooo easy to follow please continue to get more how to’s….
Good idea and great instructions. Use your imagination and you can incorporate this idea for all the seasons and holidays.
Why are some of you people so darn negative? Lighten up.
Good idea and great instructions. Use your imagination and you can incorporate this idea for all the seasons and holidays.
dreamwalk33 what is the easier way of doint this