What you need
Permanent Marker
Blow up the Balloons, but do not tie them up. You can use a balloon pump also.
Use a clip or peg for a temporary hold.
Write the invitation on the outside of the balloon with permanent pen/marker. Allow the ink to dry.
Let the air out of the balloon to deflate it.
Pop the balloon into an envelope and post with a small instruction card that says “Blow Up The Balloon”.
Looking for another fun way to give an invitation? Check out these Party invitations that are made using a puzzle template, the invitee has to put the invitation together like a puzzle. Check out these party invitations you can buy on Amazon
really cute idea! Wish Ii would have seen this before last month when we hosted our Granddaughters 2nd birthday party! But there is always next year!
all you people who say the directions are hard are just idiots because im going to 7th grade and read it jus fine
sincerly, someone smart
omg so fun
it’s so cool
Oh my god, this is so cute!
I think this is a very good and fun idea!
it’s really cool.
it sound sooo cool love it .how do they come up with these things?
Wow great idea! its a good idea to use a ballpoint pen though.
if you use it for wedding invitation use white balloons.
uniqe and fun.
Sounds like a good idea even for a wedding invite. The catch for that could be to bring the invite to the bridal shower or batchelor party and used for something there.
You let the air out so you can post it!!!! Honestly!
Brilliant idea for children or occassion birtday parties (21st, 30th etc). Wouldn’t use it for a wedding though.
This would be a really great idea for a child’s birthday, but I found it filed under weddings…how many people want balloon invitations for their wedding? still, good idea!
Cool!!!!! But omg people dont understand it!!!! a second grader could!!!im in grade 6
and if adults dont understand they need
so easy anyone could have thought about that!
if you are having trouble with the ink smearing after you deflate it, use a ballpoint pen.
AWESOME IDEA kids love it!!
i used this for my son’s birthday party, great idea, cheap and fun. it was a huge hit. as for the ones who don’t understand this go back to school, read the instructions, they are clear as day.
Don’t be ridiculous people. Instructions are as clear as day. Fun idea, btw!
This a great idea for birthdays, for you people who don’t understand the instructions I’m in 5th grade and I understand them perfectly,
and to the people who say who would want to blow up a balloon after someone elses mouth has been on it use a pump.
I think this is SO simple and cool. The instructions are really good and it did say you can use a pump.
I think it’s a very creative idea
i understood and im in 5th grade. man you peoples are dumb.
good idea but i think i saw it before.
This is a good idea for bridal shower invitations…
Oh come on!!!! You blow up a balloon, you write on it, and you let the air out!! How can you possibly not understand that???
You people are kidding, right?? Blow up the balloon (use a pump if you want), write the directions…gee what can I use to write directions? And the let the air out of the balloon!!! You’re right…those directions are so hard and so uninformative…NOT!!
okay people..learn to read. I understood perfectly and I am still only a freshman in High School. Its not that hard. Its a very good idea by the way. Cute for a little kid. hehe.
I think this is a wonderful idea, and if you can’t understand how to do it, maybe you should brush up your reading skills, or actually read how to do it…
Needs to be a lot more specefic. I didn’t understand when they said let the balloon down.