Natural Blackhead Removal Strips

Natural Blackhead Removal Strips

An all natural strip recipe for removing blackheads.

What you need

1 egg
1 makeup brush
Toilet tissue


Take your egg and separate the whites of the egg into the bowl.

You do not need the yoke. Whisk the egg whites with a fork till frothy.

With your makeup brush apply the egg whites to the area where you might find any blackheads (nose, chin, cheeks, forehead).

Apply the tissue gently and in a patting motion adding more egg whites with your brush to the same area.

Let the tissue dry for about 15 minutes or until the tissue is rock hard.

Slowly peel away from the face.

Do not rush.

The blackheads will stick to the tissue and whoala you’ll see all the blackhead on the tissue.

Wash your face as normal to take the leftover egg of the face.




  1. I have done egg white masks before and they do help with blackheads because egg whites form an easy mask – and it tightens my pores, thus reducing chances of future blackheads. It does get a bit messy though. When I do not want to get mess, I use the Clay Blackhead Mask from Citrus Clear. Both are excellent!

  2. Guestttttttttt says

    I am going to try this tomorrow! 😀 if it doesnt work im going to try waxing them off…

  3. Trying this right now!! Seems to be working! 🙂

  4. Did it work for u?

  5. yolk* voila*

  6. WhiteHorse says

    perfect for me

  7. well im planning on trying this tomorrow! it seems pretty easy to do, and the reviews also seem good.. im going to substitute the makeup brush for a spoon though:) blackheads are really driving me nuts and i wanna get rid of my acne before school starts, its gotten worse during the summer D: wish me luck on my summer skin plan hehe! ill come back with some feedback after i try it.. im going for the acne heat mask today:) a 3 star for now;)

  8. WOW! great ideae 🙂 i’m sure the makeup brush could be substituted for something similar right? thanks

  9. this worked for me even with sensitive skin

  10. Talk about ‘literally’ having ‘egg on your face’! I can certainly see why this works.

  11. I think this might be even better without using your makeup brush because that introduces more bacteria. Cool idea though, I will have to try it out.

  12. i never would have thought to use egg whites for blackheads. Thanks!

  13. The egg yolk can be used as a mask as well. It has the same properties in it that expensive acne medicines prescribed by dermatologists has in them! Thanks for the egg white tips for removing blackheads, I never would have known!

  14. awesome

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