What you need
5 Green Face washers
4 Pink Face washers
2 White bath towels
1mt Ribbon
1 Wire coat hanger
We also have instructions for Towel and Diaper Cakes as well as a cute little Bunny gift basket and a Diaper Stork Delivery.
Take 1 face washer, fold it into quarters (length ways) and roll it up tightly. Secure with a rubber band. Wrap a second face washer around the rolled up wheel and begin winding it around. Secure with pins.
Fold the face washer diagonally to form a long length. Secure with pins.
Fold two towels into quarters – length ways. Roll one up to form a coil. Add then add the second towel and continue winding it around the first coil. This becomes your solid base. Shape it into an oval with your hands. Don’t secure the outer layer just yet as you tuck the wire underneath that layer.
Take a wire coat hanger and bend it into a circle. You can remove the wire hook with pliers or just tuck it underneath the base. The wire will support the towel.
Slide the wire over the base. Wrap the outer layer of the base coil over the wire and continue to wrap the base coil. Secure with pins.
Drape the hand towel over the wire hanger and tuck it under the base. Secure the towel to the wire with pins by forming a hem around the wire.
Add the handle by securing it with a few pins. Add the wheels to sides and secure with pins.
Tie a large ribbon around the base. Add any other embellishments you like, such as lace, flowers etc. You are only limited by your imagination.
We finished it off by just adding a teddy bear, but you could add baby supplies or just about anything.
You could place the pram onto a cake base, or cardboard base for stability when transporting it.
What a cute gift. I’m always looking for something different as a gift. Definitely a 5 star craft!
Love it – love it – love it- super centerpiece -thanks
A great project. It is always good to have something different. Thanks. I will be using it.
This project is so cute I’m going to make it for an up comming baby shower I have to go to.
I made this project and everyone that has seen it loved it. The double sided tape is best to use to hold this project together.
Fantastic looks so good made up Thank you
thank you very much just what i need for my best friends baby
What a great idea!
very good craft try a bigger pram
what a great idea
What an awesome idea! Thank you
Am I correct in assuming this is made with regular sized towels and washers and not baby sized?
It’s great!!
need more towel patterns to make gifts from
a good idea for presentation at a baby shower