What you need
Pringles Crisps Tin
Vintage Magazine Pages
White craft glue
Sharp Blade
Start by painting your tin a solid color, this will make sure that the label does not show through the magazine paper.
Cut out your chosen magazine pages. If you want to use small ad’s from separate pages, then cut these sections out ready to decoupage onto the tin.
Coat the tin in white craft glue and then begin to wrap around your magazine page. If you are using individual sections then begin to layer them to cover the tin.
Use plenty of glue as it will dry clear.
Use your fingers to push out any air bubbles of wrinkles and always work from the middle out. Cut off any excess length using a sharp blade.
Once you have wrapped your tin, allow it to dry.
Finish off the tin with a coat or varnish, either use a spray varnish or a coat on varnish.
I used paper from a craft store and painted the lid and base in matching colours. It looked really good and now I use it for a school pencil case.
It was a really fun and simple project!!
I think this would be a good craft for children to do. And I could recycle old Christmas cards for the collage.
Very simple idea with lots of potential; I like it. I might make some re-usable Christmas “wrapping” tins out of these with good wrapping paper. I can picture them getting used for exchanging small or fragile gifts, for years.
love it but u could make a collage on the outside with peices of newspaper, magazines……………….. just thought id throw tht out there
I like it to!! you never know when you need a pencil holder of somthing to stash stuff in
What a great idea!
very cool.. I did this for cookies this christmas
very cool! i love vintange-ness. :]
i think its awsome except what if the pencils were too short for the tin?
One suggestion….
Instead of cutting pages out of vintage magazines, you could photo copy them in sepia and use the copy instead. Some people might be a bit hestant to cut up precious vintage magazines. Otherwise it’s a great project.