What you need
1 Plastic clown doll head (party cupcake toppers)
Small pieces of mixed cotton fabric 8 x 8 inch square each color
2 small sheets craft foam or felt (pink hands and brown or black shoes)
2 small pompoms
Small piece ribbon or yard
Small piece of lace (optional)
Small amount of fiber fill
hot glue gun
Marker pen
Enlarge pattern and copy to cardboard, foam meat tray or heavy paper.

Crazy Clown Doll Pattern
Trace around pattern on to cotton fabric.1 color fabric for front, a different color fabric for back. Cut each of the body parts in half.
Pair them up so that you have one side of front of the body one color, and the other a different color. Do the same with the 2 back pieces.
Trace around the hands and feet with marker pen. Cut 2 hands and 2 feet out of the felt or the craft foam. If the felt is too thin, you should double it and sew around the hand/foot and cut out parts close to stitching after sewing. No need to turn them.
Sew the two front pieces together down the middle to the top of crotch. Do not sew around the legs at this point. Do the same with the backs. Pin the front and back together, right sides of fabric facing in.
Place a hand on each arm and a foot at each leg. Face the arms and feet towards the inside of the body. Check to see they are facing in the correct direction so that when you turn the body right side out, they will be facing in the right direction.
This is a little tricky so be very careful doing this. The hands and feet may need to be folded slightly in order for them to free of the seam when you begin to sew. Leave the neck open for turning the body right side out later, but do sew completely around the body catching the hands and feet into the seams.
Turn the completed body right side out by pulling the fabric through the open neck area. Extra long tweezers come in handy for doing this.
Stuff the body through the neck. Turn down the neck hem and insert the clowns head. Add gathered lace or trim here if desired. Hot glue the head to body.
Glue on pom poms and ribbon or yard bow. Enjoy.
Heads can be found in most craft shops or why not look for dolls heads in your second hand shops? I have a head that was from a clown my son had when he was a little boy and I am giving it a new body. Clowns are gorgeous!! All those bright colours!!
this is cute but it would be hard to sew on a PLASTIC head but u can make on of ur own
sooo cute. I love it.
kinda scary
D: I find it really scary being that the head is super tiny. It might look cuter to sew together a head of your own.
I LOVE IT! Sooo cute. What a great craft for a kids craft class. BRING IN THE CLOWNS!
i don’t like clowns and that one is kind of scary. the quality of the project is good, but that clown is just too creepy for my likings.
great..I used to make soft-cloth clowns including hair (wool) and hand sewn faces but this will be faster and easier, really cute !! ebears.
I dont think a lot o people are into clouns