What you need
Cigar box (with clasp)
Decorative drawer pull & screws
Velvet fabric
Craft glue
If your cigar box has labels stickers or other materials on it, you can remove these using some nail polish remover or acetone. If you need to sand your box use a fine grade wet sand paper available from your hardware store.
Decorating your Box.
The possibilities for decorating your cigar box are some what endless. You can paint your box, you can decoupage your box you can leave it natural and give it a coat of clear varnish. You can glue beads on your box, you could cover it in fabric plus much more.
For more ideas check out more decorating projects on our site such as
Rose Box
Victorian Keepsake Box
Once you have decorated your box spray it with some clear varnish for a protective durable coat. You can also use a oil based varnish such as shellac to give your box an aged effect as this varnish yellows over time.
Start by attaching your handle of choice you can use a drawer pull or a purpose bought purse handle ready to use most craft stores and online purse stores sell these handles.
You need to attach your handle on the outside of cigar box near the opening if you are using a drawer handle you may need to use smaller screws then those supplied with the handle. If you are using a purse handle then follow the instructions provided with that purpose bought handle.
Use a velvet fabric or felt to line the inside of your box, make a pattern by placing your box onto the fabric and allowing a 1/4 inch edge then cutting the fabric out remembering to leave that 1/4 inch allowance. Then fold a 1/4 inch hem all the way around the fabric, this will create a better finish once it is glued in. Use an iron to flatten the hem down and then either stitch the hem closed or use a small amount of glue.
Then using glue gun or craft glue fold and secure the fabric into the bottom inside of the cigar box.
The Clasp:
If your cigar box does not have a clasp on it, then you can use velcro tabs and some fabric to keep your box closed or purchase a clasp from your local craft store.
I have a wooden cigar box and i thimk that i am going to give it a try.Everybody will love my new bag!Thank you for the most awsome craft ever,i love recycling and turning things into something usefull!!!
Not sure why so many of your guests are kill joy’s but I personally loved this project. I have tons of cigar boxes that my boss donates to me. I had been planning something supercrafty to do with them, but this is just so sweet & uber cool. I can’t wait to go get the necessary materials to try this.
MADDY- i hate cigars!
that’s…. exciting.
very cute idea!
you make the time! thats what is so fun about crafting.
lols, i know where i can find plenty of these boxes!!!!
Great–all you need is to get a box out of your dad, and your good to go!
It wasn’t terribly detailed and the pictures were boring.
i’ve been lookin for this craft everywhere!!! now i can make one!! yay! :]
Great craft idea, these cost a fortune when purchased already made. Keep up the great work. Where can I submit my ideas? mariaspotts@yahoo.com
This looks like fun! I’m going to try this project with some 11 year old girls,
Here in the USA, Dollar Tree stores have Wood cigar boxes for $1 a piece..woot! Im so making this!
if you dont want to make it with cigar box they do have similar boxes in school supplies for pencils etc ;o) they have cute designs already on them too- for those like me a little less creative in this area :o)
This is something I’ve been looking for, thanks! You don’t have to smoke cigars to get a cigar box. Lots of stores will sell them to you empty.
Or you could use a card box (box of cards)
This is great! Some examples would’ve been good too…
I love this Idea.
Thanks for sharing it with everyone
It’s a cute idea but where would I find the time?
This is such a craze at the moment I love these !!