Wood Burn Rose Clock

Wood Burn Rose Clock

A pretty clock with wood burn rose pattern!

What you need

Oval shaped wood for a clock, pink paint, silver glitter, battery operated clock,
paint brush, hook for back, varnish, drill and drill bit for your clock, and a battery, carbon paper, rose design, woodburning tool


1) Drill the hole for the clock. Use the drill bit size for the hole. Now on the back of  the clock nail your hook about 2 inches from the top. Now you are ready for your design.

2) Place your design on the clock and put the carbon paper under your design and tape it.  Then trace. After you’re all done with all the rose designs you’re ready to woodburn. Be careful the tool is very hot.

3).  Start your wood burning. When all done you’re ready to paint your roses.

4).  While your roses are wet add a little glitter to each one.

5). When finished you’re ready to add the varnish. Add several layers, as this will protect your clock and it will have a sheen to the clock.

6).  Now ready for the clock. Follow instructions.  Don’t forget to add the numbers.

7).  Place the battery. Now you have a pretty clock.


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