What you need
cd case
big googly eyes
1. Take your CD case and put the pencil on it diagonally.
2. Tape the pencil onto the CD case that way.
3. Wrap your yarn around the CD case 200 times (around 300 if the yarn is thin.)
4. When done with that cut of any extra yarn hanging down.
5. Slide the yarn off the CD case. Make sure your holding it in the center.
6. Take a separate piece off yarn and tie it tightly in the middle. Now there should be little loops everywhere.
7. Cut the loops until the fuzzy is all shagged and fuzzy.
Congrats!! You just made your first warm fuzzy friend!
We made these when I was in middle school. Without the eyes, we would pull out one piece of yarn and tie it onto a friends necklace to let them no we were thinking about them. We had a lot of fun with them even the teachers got envolved.
IDG it……………..
so cute! i did them with my little brother and he loved them!
these are adorable! we make these at camp
at camp, to make one warm fuzzy we used:
-1 pom pom ball (any size, larger preferably)
-2 googly eyes
-1 heart shaped foam piece
we glued the heart shaped foamie to the bottom, with the 2 round pieces sticking out (as feet) and the two eyes on the front for his face. tres cute!!!
They offered to make these at boyscout camp at first I thought they where going to be babyish but there actualy realy cool. You can make up all sorts of games with them. I’m going to try experimenting and making bigger and smaller ones. To get multiple colors rap one color yarn around and then cut it off and take another color and start rapping it around or use multy colored strings. At camp they suggested you can make hands and things using felt or those puff puff ball things and you can give them excesories like axes and swords and pom poms and jewlry. I think the pencil is so that those paper cd cases don’t bend. You can use cardboard instead.
How do you make them look like the picture with two or three colours?
so why do you need the pencil???
it has the cutest name with the warm fuzzy friend and omg my sis loves it to the greatest
This project rocks!
i made one with the 200 wrap, then 100 wrap, then one that i didn’t count. I love ’em! great gifts, cuddlers, hackey sack, and a children’s catch ball! i prefer cuddling with them. mine ‘shed’
how did u put on the eyes?
this is the most adorable little crearure I’ve ever seen in my life! I’ll deffinitely make some for my frends at school for our holiday Ramadan! I wonder what I should call it…
He he those are cute, how old are u I’m 13
This is EXACTLY what I needed for a last minute present! Thanks!!
I think that this craft is sooo cute! Great idea for a little kid to snuggle up with!
i made a really really really small one by taking a little peice of yarn about as long as a pair of full length siccors wrapping it around my finger and using an even tinier peice to tie it all together. my cat took it and turned it into a cat toy! lol!!!
these are so cute but does it have to be made out of a round cd case or regular square one?i have both i just want to know so i can make mine perfect!!!!!!!!!!:)
what is the pencil for…I don’t understand??
they r so cute and they are made out of cd case
wow this is awsome!
THESE ARE SO COOL! I made a mega one named “Peter.”
what did you do to get yours multi-coloured?
this is great!!!I tried it out and it turned out great
great last minute gift