What you need
5 x 7 white greeting card with envelope
5 x 7 dark blue/green paper (including 1″x 7″ strip and 3 by 4 square)
Craft stick glue
Hole Punch out
Black ink pad
Stamp “Friends Forever”
7″ white ribbon
1.5″ light blue paper (including 2.5 x 3 square)
2 x 7″ decorated blue paper (matching the other shades of color paper)
To make this card, begin by gluing the dark blue/green paper for the background.
Now, glue the other papers in this order light blue, dark blue/green, and the decorated blue paper.
All these papers need to be glued in this order, just as pictured.
Your almost done, but first layer the light blue square on top of the dark blue/green square and hole punch on two sides to thread the ribbon.
Once you have threaded the ribbon and glued everything onto your card, put the stamp “Friends Forever” on the light blue square.
All done!
i love it !!!!
adorable! ; ) someone i dont have 2 name is really mean though, and i bet they are lousy at card making.
i can do better LOL!!!!
it looks so perfesional!!! great job!!!
Two words: Very CUTE!!
this is a nice card! love it!
great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it ws hard.but i liked it!
This is a fabulous idea.I love it.