Upcycled Wine Bottle Snowman

Upcycled Wine Bottle Snowman

This Christmas craft is made using basic supplies to create a Primitive Country Snowman decoration.

What you need

Empty Wine Bottle

White Acrylic paint or spray paint

Orange Acyclic paint

Scrap primitive ribbon or fabric


This primitive Snowman is so easy to make and make wonderful decorations on the mantelpiece or tabletop. Give your kitchen a country feel with these primitive decorations.

Start by taking the empty bottle of wine and spray painting it white. I prefer to use a good quality spray paint so that I do not need to apply multiple coats. If you are making these bottles with children then painting on white paint is fine, it will, however, take a couple of coats.  White wine bottles work best if hand painting as the glass is lighter in color. You can also add battery lights.

Once the white coat is dried you can begin to decorate your country snowman. I like to add my features next.  Use an Oil based Permanent black marker pen to draw on the features.  Orange paint for the carrot nose (or felt).  Tie some scrap fabric or ribbon around the neckline for a scarf (socks work well too)

Glue the ribbon and string around the neck with strong craft glue such as E6000.

This craft image was contributed by Samantha A, thanks for sharing your creation Samantha we love it, and we hope it has inspired others to have a go at making their own Snowman too.

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