Umbrella Fragrance Sachet

Umbrella Fragrance Sachet

These umbrella fragrance sachets make great fete items and are fun for kids to make as gifts.

What you need

Pipe cleaner
28 cm square of cotton fabric or a handkerchief
112 cms lace,
Fabric flowers
Potpourri or Lavender.


Sew lace around the edge of the cotton square then find the center of the square and make a small hole in it for the pipe cleaner to thread through.

Lightly mark out a 20 cm circle onto the square. Using a gathering stitch stitch around this circle line.

Insert the pipe cleaner, fill the bag with potpourri or lavender and pull up the gathering stitch. Alternatively you could use a rubber band to avoid having to sew this part.

Finish off with a ribbon bow and some flowers.


  1. this was a cool idea thanks!km-ca

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