Knitted Toilet Seat Cover

Knitted Toilet Seat Cover

Make this knitted toilet seat cover using this pattern.

What you need

50g balls

Seat Cover:
2 balls of main shade A
1 ball each of 2 contrasts B and C
Elastic for edging

1 pair of number 4 (6mm) needles

16sts and 20 rows to 10cm. On 6mm
needles over double moss stitch.

Seat cover: 14 1/2 inch x 15 1/2 inch (37cm x 40cm)


With 6mm needles and A cast on 23sts.

Work in double moss st as for the bath mat increase 1 st at each end of 3rd and every right side row until there are 59 sts.

AT THE SAME TIME working in stripe sequence of 4 rwos A, 2 rows B, 4 rowsA, 2 rows B, 4 rowsA 2 rows C.

Work until 30cm, then decrease 1 st at each end of every right side row until 37sts remain.

Cast Off.

Work casing stitch closely round edges omitting cast off edge. Thread elastic through casing and secure ends at the ends and cast off.


  1. This is not a toilet seat cover, it’s a toilet lid cover. Very disappointing.

  2. Re the knitted toilet seat cover, I saw some site online about using the herringbone stitch for a casing. Does anyone have any ideas if that might work?

  3. I saw before.Looking for toilet tank to knit or .

  4. Trudy du Plooy says

    I was looking for the Seat round seat cover not the top cover of the seat for the toilet.

  5. I love this set! It reminds of grandma’s house when I was a kid xxxxx years ago! I’m going to make one….no a bunch for gifts!

  6. A casing stitch is a stitch which forms a little tube which is used to pull a draw string through (as in a draw string bag). It is used a lot in crochet (say when you crochet a bikini but don’t want the edges to sag, you’d pull some elastic through the casing to keep it all tight). Stitchionaries will have instructions. I don’t have any handy right now but go to my site and I’ll try and find the right book for you (I saw this somewhere recently).

  7. Does any know what a “casing stitch” is? The pattern calls for this, but I can’t find anyone who knows what it is.

  8. omg – i want to make this just to freak out the kids!!!

  9. I admire who ever took the time to do this. a LOT of work and it’s beautiful

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