What you need
1/2 cup of Baking soda
1/4 cup of Epsom salts
1/2 tsp of Strawberry Fragrant oil
Mix all the ingredients together and using a blender blend the ingredients till it crushes down into a fine powder.
Store in a jar or decorate a salt shaker and store it in there so it’s ready to use.
Make sure the powder remains dry or it will clog up and you wont be able to sprinkle it into your bath.
Sprinkle into a warm bath.
Mmm. Luxury in a shaker. That’s all we need. And a little love too

I think the espom salt is good for you skin , it exfoliates it. correct me if I’m wrong. :o)
This is just divine.
I liked it but I was wondering if it did anything… it bugs me to put stuff in my bath if it doesn’t do anything. But, the website’s great! I’m making body products for my friends for x-mas, and this website’s helped alot! Thanks!
what does it do?or is it just for fun?
I didn’t have any strawberry oil on hand (last minute gift for teacher), so I used dried lemon zest instead for a refreshing bath dust.
you could make it with other fragrant oils from other stores like basics~Badgergirl4250
this is such a easy and great idea!!
try getting fragrant oils of ebay. they are cosmetic grade so they;re skin safe
oh I just LOVE strawberries.. this would be a great thing to make, thank you
I like it, but some of the stuff (Straberry Oil) was hard to get. Any suggestions for where to get these things?