What you need
Polystyrene ball
Red or green sequins
Pearl headed pins
Start by threading the sequin onto the pin then inserting the pearl headed pin into the poly ball.
Keep doing this until the whole ball is covered in pins and sequins.
When you are finished glue on a loop of ribbon for hanging.
These are great for making while sitting in front of a movie as they take a long time.
I like cookies.
Before pushing pin into ball, dip end of pin into glue so it will not come out in the future.
cool! that’s a great idea
lovely quick easy
that’s really cool!
Super cute! it does not seem like it takes that long.
I think that the ball shown above is sooo cool. i want to make one NOW.
Another fun activity for children if you are supervising carefully.
A lovely quick and easy project
easy to do…