What you need
For the soles stack 12 pages together. Draw an outline of both your feet on the top page.
To hold the pages together staple inside the outline of the heal then cut out the shape.
For the straps make a 3 inch wide strip from a half page for each slipper.
Lift up about 6 of the pages of each sole outline. Place the strip inside the front part of the sole and adjust the size. Then staple in place.
Bring down the remaining 6 layers of the sole and glue down, then bind the front edge of the slipper with tape.
These are wonderful! If you don’t want newsprint on the bottom of your feet make the top couple of layers from cereal box liner, actual cereal box cardboard or typing paper. I think I may try making them by sandwiching the newspapers between cereal box cardboard. They may last a little longer
Thanks for the great idea.
Great way to recycle newspapers…however it could be messy on the students’ feet.
This was a great craft for doing house work when your done just toss um out oh and to the people who dont like then ther crazy
good and environmentally friendly but dont u think that it will only last for a little while by the way note that its really a clever idea!
wonderful way to RECYCLE!!!–LEE*J*Smith
You could make them last longer by using Iron On Vinyl on the top and bottom of stacked newspapers, sew around the outline of your foot, then cut out a bit away from stitching. Add straps by sewing on the same lines.
what a ceative art…. inspires me to make real slipper made of newspaper. thank you
Too much fun..Just made slippers out of a JCPennys flyer out of morning news..Red and black very colorful. I’m making as many paper crafts out of a Friday edition,so far bows,gift bags and now slippers.Any other ideas would be great.Thanks
Too much fun..I used a JCPennys flyer out of the morning news and made great red and black slippers. I trying to make many crafty items out of one Fridays paper.So far I’ve made bows,gift bags and now slippers.Any one have other ideas?
lmfao, i laughed at this no offence.. >_>
but as someone said previously, it is a real “are you serious project”
I was looking to make Turkish slippers to fit with a Turkish theme for holiday club children. I simply added a little on to the length of the toe, covered the newspaper with gold foil bubble wrap material and added a pom pom to the toe FAB!
We had nothing to do today and I needed a quick craft….my niece and my oldest daughter made these newspaper slippers and LOVED them. They colored the strap part of the slipper to add their own flair.
I love this idea, but I think that when I finished the slippers, I would put Modpodge or some other durable white glue and allow them to dry. They could also be painted to last awhile longer. Just the idea for running around in a motel or hotel room if you have forgotten your slippers. Paint stipes on the bottom to give you traction so you don’t slip and fall. Easy project for children too.
a real “are you serious” project
weird lol
Ok now that is different. Love the idea though. Too cool
this was so awsome and totally saved me when i was out of ideas for my isu presentation! there are so many possibilities with these; coloured paper, soft materials on the insides, ect… thatnks a buch for this nifty product
make them really big and they can be used for shoe covers when you come in from outside and your shoes are dirty, but you are going back outside soon and don’t want to remove your shoes each time.
this is so cool i love them so much they are great for at parties when you want to make crafts
Great activity to add to our DT slipper project – easy to do and children really focused and enjoyed task!
Ok…. newspaper slippers, at first glance, they are just that, like something a four year old would make, but really, they are super practical, and a brilliant way of recycling!
I like this craft, i really learn from it. (“,)
I always lose my slippers, but know I can make new ones!!
This is pretty cool. You could just wear this inside ur house if ur worried about looking poor. Any pair of slippers aren’t the most pratical for going to work and stuff.
I’ve been looking 4 craft project with newspapers. this is GREAT!
I think these are cool and you can make them look not poor by using your imagination and/or using coloured paper,not particularly newspaper.So I say this is great!♥
I did somtin close to this at my fourth grade End of the year party
cute! theses would be good for like a childs party, to have something for them to do ya know.
awesome great idea!
If you’re trying to be quiet don’t wear slippers fool. They make you look poor? I don’t think they’re supposed to be a fashion statement.
These were
Perfect when we were painting and I also used them when I was dying my hair. There are a 1000 practical uses.
How cool, I can think of heaps of reasons why to have disposable slippers