Knitted Easter Basket

Knitted Easter Basket

This Knitted Easter Basket is ideal for Easter Decorations, Easter Gifts and Easter Centerpieces.

What you need

Approx Size 6 inch (15cm)
Size 6 (4mm ) Needles
Double Worsted (8 ply) Wool



Cast on (10sts)

Row 1, K

Row 2, K

Row 3, K twice into first and last st (12sts)

Row 4, K

Row 5, K twice into first and last st (14sts)

Knit the next 8 Rows. Row 14, K 2 Tog at the beg and end. (12sts)

Row 15, K

Row 16, K 2 Tog at the beg and end. (10sts)

Row 17, K Cast off and place card stock into base for support.

Basket Sides

Cast on (51sts)

K 1, P1 every Row for 14 Rows.

Cast off.

Basket Handle

Cast on (31sts ) K1, P1 every Row for 4 Rows. Cast off.

Stitch sides to base and handle to sides with remaining yarn

Easter Bunny


  1. Would also love the pattern for the bunny

  2. This basket is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. That is so cute!!
    I’m definitely saving this pattern for when Easter rolls around 🙂

  4. The number of stitches required for the handle is missing.

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